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Hello all, 

Cutting this one extremely short (what's new?) so I'm probably going to keep it brief and just dump what little images I have to share here so I can get this out while there's still a tiny bit of time left for January patrons to actually read it...

Xmas 2020 Special

Yep, still getting the ball rolling on this one. Looks like I'll just have to get to it when I can. Been busy with a lot of things over the last week, so I had hoped to get at least a few of these images out. At least I managed to get the next one out. The reverse door frame shot so we can see out lovely participants for this year's set. Working on these images has reminded me that I need to put out an official height/size comparison chart so people can keep track of scales. Sydney is the shortest girl in the game so far, and while Debra looks tall here, she's about the same height as Tiffany and it's really just the Mayor and Sonya who are short... Many more Xmas images much more frequently in February. Should finish it all off there... I hope...

Scene Gallery

While this was supposed to be a "Phase 2" feature for me to work on later in v0.10's development, but I decided I wanted something more visual to share with you guys, so I got to work on the long requested Gallery feature where you can easily view all of the game's sex scenes to your liking. Accessible from the game's pause menu, at any time during normal gameplay/exploration you can choose to enter the Gallery and will be literally teleported into an actual physical art gallery:

As to be expected, Sydney is the one running this 4th-wall-breaking experience because of course she is. You can talk to her if you dare and typical Sydney trolling will ensue.

But of course the main purpose of this area is to have all of the game's sex scenes available for on-demand viewing at the player's discretion. So the way I have it set up right now is that the Gallery's mannequin displays (The 2D character sprites) are interactive. Simply activate one of them to get a list of all of the sex scenes that character is involved in.

Obviously this setup is heavily work in progress, and will likely change at least a little bit before you actually get to try it out. Your settings under the optional content toggle will also show/hide certain characters automatically. 

And while I can already play the scenes from here easily, it's not that simple. I still have to go into every individual sex scene and set up some separate parameters for when Tiffany is in the Gallery. In order to prevent such occurrences as these scenes being tracked with the characters' sex statistics, characters accidentally getting pregnant from inside the gallery, etc. I also need to add in additional options so you can configure settings such as whether or not Tiffany is a slut for zombies, or what body type she has, etc.

But when all is said and done, you should be able to view every variation of each scene here. I am unsure yet how I will handle unlocking scenes. I've brought it up before, but I still am unsure what I'll do for it. Most likely, you will unlock scenes as you view them, and then reaching the end of the current version will unlock every scene. Though, I'll deal with that aspect of it far later when play-testing the whole build.

To leave the Gallery and return to normal gameplay, simply walk out the front door or select the "Gallery" option from the pause menu again. Tiffany will be teleported right back to where she originally was, and you can continue as if she never left.

Tiffany Voice Lines

Not so much to report here, other than the process of recording the lines for all of Tiffany's combat sex scenes has well and truly begun. I simply haven't had much time to cut up too many lines, but I've attached the first 2 lines from the OG vaginal scene with the Zombie, for when Tiffany is a Slut for Zombies ;) So feel free to give them a quick listen.

Thanks again to the amazing TheVoiceVixxen for breathing so much life into Tiffany. I'll work more on the audio improvements for sex scenes in February and put together some video demo so you can all get a better taste of what things all sound like in-game. 

v0.10 Sex Scenes

I've put up two new polls. One for the $5+ tiers (Pose selection for Debra vs Female Zombie) & another for the $10 tier (Sneak peek & decision to expand the "Take advantage of Vanessa" option into a full lesbian scene on Day 1)

And speaking of polls, it was decided by the $5+ tier that the Combat Sex Scene between Debra and the Regular Male Zombie should be a vaginal one. Oh, what's this? It looks like the infected hasn't wasted any time!

^ Just gotta carefully squeeze, push and pry her open... ;)

Closing Words

I'm sorry this one took so long to come out, and that it's relatively brief. That's just a side effect of this being a weird month with my whole "break" thing that didn't really pan out that much in the end. I'm just not very good at doing more than one thing at a time unfortunately. Still, at least progress is being made. Hopefully February will see the next two Terminal Quickies installments too if everything lines up. And of course a lot more of everything else from me, even if most of my work will be on boring, non-visual, behind the scenes stuff. I'll still try to get some work done on these other scenes to give you all something to look at and for the higher tiers to vote on. 

Thank you all so much for your patience and support. 

~ Jim



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