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  • v0.09 RELEASED FOR $5+ TIERS. ($5 patrons from OCT or NOV have also been DM'd)
  • $1 TIER  release on December 30th. (Also $1 patrons from NOV via DM)
  • Public release on January 24th.


  • Billing was paused for the month of December. Active patrons were not  billed on December 1. Billing will resume on January 1. 


I will update the following percentages as I make progress:

  • Writing: 100%
  • Rendering: 100% 
  • Image Editing: 100% (293 - Mostly Variations)
  • Story/Gameplay Implementation: 100%
  • Sex Scene Implementation: 100%
  • Testing: 100%


  • Bold = Updated since last edit.
  • Underline = Finished.

^ Final Preview Screenshots for v0.09


^ Not even the Comms Device can boost the signal enough to detect the actual release date... (ಥʖ̯ಥ)


^ Easy now, you don't want to rush these things... 


^ I am working hard to release as soon as I can. Please remain patient and calm with your cheeks spread wide for easy access, as demonstrated by our lovely assistants above ;)

Apologies that it took me this long to put this thing up. Hopefully it should be a little easier to see where I am now. 16 renders left as of time of writing. Finishing the rendering and editing process, as usual, is the vast majority of the work here, it should all come together in a couple of days more after that. v0.09 ended up requiring more images than I had originally planned. In fact, there's probably an additional 2-3 weeks of rendering needed for me to be completely satisfied with it, since I've ended up wanting to make it big, but that exceeds my scope for v0.09's development schedule, and as such additional renders will be added to both remaining casino scenes during v0.10, where you will need to replay them anyway due to saves being broken. It's not the ideal scenario, but because of the way things are lining up for 2021, I do need to take as much of a "break" as I can during December, so I can't really afford to deliver my full vision for this one right out of the gate. But I am making sure that all the important bits (in my opinion) are included at the bare minimum.

That being said v0.09 is a rather short update. It probably won't take very long at all to compete, especially if you don't care about the story which is the main focus here. I'm still happy with how it's shaping up though, and would recommend playing it if you intend on keeping up to date with the game's plot and overall direction moving forward beyond v0.10. Just don't anticipate much in the way of new playable content. Story -> Boss Fight/Sex Scene -> Story. That's what you can expect. Oh and that bonus 2D combat sex scene by Flowerxl for Tiffany's original body during Days 1 & 2 for players to try out and give feedback on.

Now I mention "break" in inverted commas above because I will still be working, just on my own time on things that are all to do with the game, but less important aspects overall. Such as side/bonus content, voice acting, writing story/backstory/lore, and all of that fun stuff. Though I will take at least 1 week off completely as well since it has been a long time since I did that. It just didn't feel right to charge people during a month where very little work was being done on the next version of the game (v0.10) overall. Which will be the focus for the first few months of 2021. But I will discuss all of that in a podcast after v0.09's release, which I hope will be complete towards the end of this first December week, at the very least before Cyberpunk 2077, you know, obviously my main competition :P

^ Alternatively, he also goes by "The Spanker" ;)

Thanks for your continued patience and support!

~ Jim



So the spanker/ two 🍆 will be in this up date v0.09 but thats really it?


Essentially. This is just the remaining story content to wrap up the Casino stuff. Been the plan since I split up v0.08 back around March/April. Some parts are a little outdated now, but you can see everything that's coming up in the roadmap here: https://www.patreon.com/posts/35654298


Update #1: I don't think I'm beating Cyber Punk any more... Yeah, yeah, laugh it up. I'm going to cry myself to sleep and get back to work.


Cant wait and will be excited to see that belly swell in further updates.


Amazing game, Love the whole story overall. Can't wait to play more, and also very excited to see that belly swell even more!


Jim: "I'm gonna hit my deadline this time!" Patrons: "Are you sure?" Jim: "Good question" *Shrek meme* In all seriousness, again, I think that you deciding to stick to your promised content rather than your deadline is great. Especially considering that you've said you want to take December off of working on TD. Though, speaking of: I think you should take a couple weeks into January off, to make up for the time you ate through in December. Aye, that means content takes longer after, but it'd be healthier for you I think. All said, though: keep up the good work, look forward to all that's to come.


Update #2: All renders done. Renamed "Render Editing" to "Image Editing" since the total includes renders, commissioned images from the 2D scene and other graphics. Percentage didn't go up as much as the total images increased due to me adding more stuff & variations. Hoping to get all the remaining edits done in the next 1-2 days. Then it should be easy street... Apologies for the continued wait.


I will definitely take a week off in January, perhaps 2 if I can/have to.


Update #3: All edits done. The last few took a little longer due to having to learn some new Photoshop techniques to pull it off... Made more progress on implementing things. Everything needed for the boss fight is done and tested. I'm putting the story scenes in now.


Update #4: I was unable to get much of anything done on Saturday/Sunday due to prior commitments, so sorry about that. But the good news is that by this time tomorrow, my Nightmare Before Christmas will become your Christmas Miracle! Everything is done, I just have to finish adding the images and dialogue to the main sex scene and test it tomorrow after I've slept. Short of a disaster, it will be done within 24 hours. Thank you for your patience.


its all good we dont want a cyberpunk level fuck up aha


I wish there was enough new content for cyberpunk levels of bugs... :')


Update #5: Everything's done. Just going to test out 2 proper save files first to see if I can catch any last bugs/typos.


Update #6: Uploading and writing post.


Update #7: It's done :)