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^ POV: You're one lucky zombie! ;)

Hello everyone, 

This isn't a proper Dev Blog, (though I will have one more out before the end of the month with additional previews) but instead a quick post to inform you that I unfortunately will not be able to complete v0.09 in time for the end of the month as originally hoped. I haven't made as much headway as I would have liked with renders last week. I'm only about half way through the main sex scene for v0.09 since I decided to add some more images to the pre-scene with Romeo. I was going  to use the reusable dialogue CGs for some of it, but felt it didn't work as well here so I am rendering more of it "in-scene". That and the fact that this threesome scene with The Fister boss zombie is a fairly meaty scene, pun intended ;) 

In the end, I think I'll be close to finishing the sex scene by the end of the month, but then  will still have a bunch of renders to do for the epilogue. Could I split it up again to release sooner? Maybe, but I'd really like to ship this final casino part all together. So I've decided on a relatively "safe" release date in Mid-November to ensure that I have all the time I need to make the main scene and the epilogue the way I want it, to close of the casino section up properly and move on from there.

So, v0.09 will come out November 15th for $5+ tiers. Anyone who is a current $5+ patron this month will also get download links sent to them via Patreon DMs as I've been doing the last 2 times I messed this up.

The $1 tier will get the release on November 22nd. And the public will get access of December 15th. 

^ Please feel free to strip Lara and redirect all complaints to her beautiful ass in the form of spanks!

Honestly, I do apologize for this delay. Although I never did promise outright that it would be done this month, I did have high hopes myself nonetheless. But I am pretty pleased with how it's going, and I hope you'll enjoy this small update when it is ready. Look forward to one more short Dev Blog with a couple of additional previews before the end of the month.

Speaking of the end of the month, I wasn't going to do anything special for Halloween this year as a new TD release would already be appropriately themed on account of the zombies and all. But, since I'm unable to deliver, I figure I might as well put a special image or two together to help tide you guys over.  And to make it more fun, I'll let $5+ tiers vote on two new girls to be infected with the "Big-Tiddy-Goth" virus from last year's special. So look out for that poll soon!

Also, just one more heads up, I am thinking of pausing my Patreon/Substar during the month of December in order to take a bit of a break and focus on fleshing out the lore, writing scripts  and casting some of the other girls. So I'll still do a bit of work and a few posts, but no one will get charged during that month. I'll discuss this in greater detail in a future devblog or podcast to explain my thoughts on it. Just figured I'd give a heads up for my plan just in case. 

Thanks once again for your understanding and support. I'll do my best to make the additional wait for v0.09 worth it.

~ Jim




Would be awesome to see the pumpkin man roots deep in juggs or tiffany 😍😍😍

Jimjim3dx (edited)

Comment edits

2022-03-05 00:22:51 It would, except, for the sake of fairness I have removed Tiffany, Sydney, Juggs & Kiana from the voting pool for reasons I explain in the poll post itself. Still 8 girls to choose from though.
2020-10-27 17:22:44 It would, except, for the sake of fairness I have removed Tiffany, Sydney, Juggs & Kiana from the voting pool for reasons I explain in the poll post itself. Still 8 girls to choose from though.

It would, except, for the sake of fairness I have removed Tiffany, Sydney, Juggs & Kiana from the voting pool for reasons I explain in the poll post itself. Still 8 girls to choose from though.


don't worry, take as much time as you need to get it done to a point you're satisfied. I certainly know that I'd much rather release something if it's fully done than in halves. Better late than unfinished.


(a sentiment that some game companies need to take notes from)


Thanks. I appreciate the understanding. I intended to get this one out faster, but since it is an important scene to round off he Casino story, I wanted to do it justice. There will be time for "quantity over quality" updates later with regards to the sex scenes. Not that I ever intend on making bad scenes. Just more, less important scenes that have fewer images to them. Not every scene needs to have a whole image set for it!