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Hello everyone, 

Apologies for this Dev Blog coming out much later than I had originally anticipated. Is this an omen of things to come with the release date? [Yes. Help!] No, I don't think so. I've made plenty of progress, despite having to redo a number of renders for one reason or another this week. I've also decided to get a tad bit more done before posting this blog each day, and then left it too late before finishing this post so that's another factor in my tardiness. Anyway, hopefully there is something interesting in here for all.


"Cry for help" jokes aside though, I still can't say for certain yet whether or not v0.09 will be ready by the end of the month. The real telltale signs will come around the 24th/25th. If I haven't fully completed rendering this main sex scene by then, that'll probably mean the release will end up being early November instead. It is a big scene, with a lot of work still to do on it, but since it's really the only main big thing I have to focus on, I can hopefully get through it fairly fast next week. Regardless, if development does end up bleeding into November, I'll do what I've done for with the previous two releases and will send links out via Patreon DMs to everyone who was pledged at the $5 or $10 tier during this month of October. So those who would have gotten access this month, will still get it as soon as it's available. 

What I can say confidentially is that there won't be any ALPHA/BETA builds this time around since there's nothing to really test here. I am definitely going to have them for v0.10 though since it's almost certainly going to be one of the buggier releases at first while I break the existing game and rebuild many things under the hood. So I will need a lot of people to help me test all of the different gameplay paths and features to make sure that's all working before moving on. But enough about that version for now. 

As you can see, I'm still getting more variations of Lara's previous images re-rendered for her different states of nakedness. But this also includes some new combat poses I haven't had to render for Lara yet, such as her "overpowered" shots:

^ I mean, come on! How could you refuse her after such a willing submission? ;)

I've made good progress on this front, but there's still some more to get through. In particular I still need to do her actual "mid-strip" shots as well as a new "Rifle Fire" CG. Since Lara will actually acquire and use Noah's Rifle if he is killed during the confrontation at the end of v0.08. So, expect to be seeing some more of these renders in every v0.09 Dev Blog until I'm all done.

Of course, I did promise some actual previews of the new scenes this time, so I'd better hurry and deliver on that! As you can see from the top image of this post, I have completed the 3D set for this main sex scene. This is the Casino Penthouse Suite's Master Bedroom. The redesigned area I showed off last time in 2D form. I made a couple of changes since then, so I might edit the 2D area slightly for release, but it's pretty much what I had in mind. 

There is some stuff hidden around this scene, but of particular note to most will probably be the photograph of the woman on the shelf. It may seem familiar to some, that's because it's an existing render of mine, from an older character I worked with many years ago. Actually the second 3D female character I ever designed back in late 2011. Her name is Tanya, and while her model is too old to be used these days without some serious upgrades (like what I did for Sydney & Lara), that works out fine for me, because you will probably never see her in-game. 

Tanya Cortés - Age: 29 in photo shoot, 33 at time of death.

Tanya was Miguel’s wife & Romeo’s mother. She passed away tragically almost 7 years ago from medical complications. Miguel was truly in love with his wife and while he has fooled around with many of his club girls in the years that followed, the relationship that he has recently begun with Lara has been his only "serious" one since Tanya's passing. Lara noticed that Miguel would often call her by his deceased wife's name during their nightly "breeding sessions" in this very bedroom...

Of course, you can probably just forget about all of that. It's simply some additional background lore for those who are interested. She also didn't receive any F.W.I. enhancements if you're wondering why she seems a little less stacked than she should be. Contrary to what I have been portraying, not all the women in this world are quite so naturally gifted as the bulk of our female cast. You will probably see some other different body types among some of the minor female characters later in the game. But anyway, this old Tanya pinup render is just being repurposed here to give a face to this particular minor character.

Okay fine, enough stalling, here is a first look at two initial renders from this scene:

^ Some much needed "big booty appreciation". Featured is Tiffany's stage 1 body, but not the pregnant variant.

^ But does Romeo share in our "appreciation"? His cock may be at the ready, but his mind seems to be elsewhere...

Hmmm... Yes. Very vague and uninformative indeed, Jim. :P In any case, this is another character who's fate you can have a say in, somewhat similar to Noah's. Whether or not Romeo lives to see another day will be up to the player. However,  in both Romeo and Noah's cases, their status in your play through will have an impact on future quests that I have planned.

Of course the most exciting part of this confrontation is undoubtedly it's sudden interruption at the hands of a unique zombie boss who I am now calling "The Fister". It has no interest in Romeo, but damn son, those two bitches do be kinda thicc! ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

^Full resolution render attached to this post. 

I got some nice feedback on the design of it's "penis arm" a couple of weeks ago, so hopefully people like this slight alteration a little better. And those of you in the $1 tier can finally witness my most horrible creation yet for the very first time! :P

Since the feedback on the initial design reveal was a little polarizing, it was also decided that The Fister will start the scene with his regular hand/arm (which is also bigger than his left arm by default). Then, in the second half of the sex scene, his right arm will morph into it's penis form so that he can fuck both girls at once.

If you don't mind spoilers on how the sex part of this scene will go down, you can read the following paragraph. If not, just skip this bit:

The sex scene (which will trigger upon submitting through dialogue up front OR fighting + losing) is going to start with some foreplay from both girls servicing his "regular" cock. Included will be some licking & tit-fucking with one girl on each side of his shaft, before finishing off with some deepthroat action for both. After that, his right arm will mutate into a penis-arm before he fucks both girls, side-by-side on the bed at the same time, both in a doggy style position. Tiffany gets the penis-arm, Lara gets the regular-cock. Both girls will get a vaginal creampie/cumflation to end the scene.

Thanks to those of you in the $5+ tiers for giving feedback and voting in these three polls (now closed) to help decide some specifics for this scene:

Speaking of polls, there is a new one up for those in the $5+ tiers to vote on an upcoming scene between Dr. Milburn and an imprisoned Hitomi. Though this poll is actually for v0.10. There won't be any more polls pertaining to v0.09's content since I have everything decided at this point. 

So, what else have I done with v0.09 since last time? Well, I have designed a couple of new characters, begun setting up an additional 3D scene for the epilogue, and written the vast majority of all of the dialogue for v0.09. So that's good. Still a little behind where I would have liked to be at this point, but still manageable. One cool thing I did complete though was the editing, writing and implementation of this 2D bonus combat sex scene between Tiffany and a regular male Zombie made by Flowerxl. Those in the Special Forces tier have already seen glimpses of all the art itself in past Sneak Peek posts, but now's the first time everyone else can see it, along with it actually being inside the game itself now:

I think it came out well, but time will tell if everyone else likes bonus 2D scenes like this. I'm going to wait until everyone's had a chance to try it for themselves before posting a poll to see if more should be made and of which characters. They are tedious and expensive to produce. But at least for me it doesn't take up very much of my own time so it could be a nice way to get "extra" scenes in addition to me own from time to time. Anyway, you'll be able to try it out in v0.09 during Day 1 & 2 (since that's the Tiffany it's based on for this test). I will also add a toggle option to disable 2D bonus scenes for those who do not wish to see them pop up in their game for whatever reason.


Not as much to go off on this time. Progress is being made on both Terminal Quickies side projects, but it's slow. Which is fine by me since I'd rather focus on v0.09 right now anyway, but it would be good to start getting one of them out sometime in the very near future once things are happening on the artists' sides. It looked like NGTV was finally getting back into action this week, but there's still 2 minor corrections that need to be made to the art for page 1 of Jailbreak before I re-release that with the first part of the story. Sorry about the wait on that. Though I would still expect it very soon.

I also finally finished my edits for chapter 29 of DNA Valkyrie, which $5+ tiers can read here. This concludes my "hands on" involvement in the series, and it's postage on my Patreon page as bonus content. But as I've mentioned the story is far from over and will continue to be written and developed by Camille on his Patreon under loose editorial supervision from me from time to time. Camille is taking his time to re-post all of the chapters for his audience, but I will keep you up to date here and let you know when chapter 30 and beyond is available for those who are interested. 

Good news is that the Terminal Juggs comic has been back in it's regular weekly production cycle again and doesn't show any signs of slowing down! I'll even be rendering the next page tomorrow as I have to be out most of the day. That's always the best time for those full 1080p renders which can take a while. 

Speaking of which, I have one final thing to post here before ending this Dev Blog, those keeping up with the Twitter or Discord would have already seen it. I'm not sure if you are aware, but there's been this silly twitter trend/meme for people to draw characters standing while lifting their own legs up. I thought it would be fun to render one out for Tiffany doing this pose as I had nothing queued up to render one day and it didn't take me very long to pose. So I hope you enjoy this bonus... Ummm... Pin-up? Sure, let's go with Pin-up! :P

^ Full resolution render is also attached to this post.

See! Of course she can do it by herself! Piece of cake! :D


Thanks for all your support and patience in waiting for new updates. I couldn't do this without you. I also hear that things are continuing to get worse in certain parts of the world, so I hope you all stay safe out there as well. Hopefully I didn't forget anything either. Next time I get around to doing one of these, expect some previews from the main sex scene with "The Fister" boss himself. Until then, wish me luck!

~ Jim




You magnificent son ov a .... thank you


I really like the progress so far, both the reports for 0.09, and the game as a whole. For the 2D scenes, I think that they're a bit of an awkward thing: on one hand they're nice for variety and 3D isn't everyone's favourite. But given how much content there is already and the amount of catch up work that'd be needed for every scene to have 2D variants would mean that it'd be a long while before they're all done. And it'd be weird if just some scenes had 2D, and others didn't. I think that if you want to have every sprite have a 2D counterpart, you'd be wise to make the choice now and let the artist(s) do them while you work on updates (though that'd be quite pricey). Up to you, though. Again, I'm loving everything you're doing, and look forward to everything else you've got in store.


Thanks. And ofc, don't get me wrong, the 2D scenes aren't intended to replace the existing scenes or even be 2D versions of them. They're new scenes entirely that can be encountered alongside the regular 3D ones. It's purely additional bonus scenes for those who want them. But yeah, they are expensive, and I think I do like the idea of the Terminal Quickies stories as a better way to fuse the game's additional lore/story with 2D commission work. But we'll wait and see what the majority has to say after they get their hands on the scene in v0.09.


I really love these dev blogs. They contain lots of cool news and information, I get hyped for new content whenever I read them.


ahh, I misunderstood then. I thought it was like every scene would have a 2D counterpart. That's kinda interesting. Though, I still do think that having this 3D game and then randomly this 2D scene can be a bit jarring, if that makes sense, and the Terminal Quickies idea could be a more effective way of tying that in imo. Again, though, really looking forward to your next release


Yeah, I am inclined to lean towards that direction, but we'll play it by ear and see what people think and also what ideas people come up with for other scenes. Since they would have to be minor scenes that weren't associated with a major quest.