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Hey folks,

Just a quick and simple poll to get some final feedback on this infected boss that Tiffany & Lara will fight/fuck in v0.09. Yes, it's that one I've been talking about for a while that has a penis-arm-thing... Take a look for yourselves:

I am still working on some minor details (like his face, and main penis shape) but for the most part I think this is essentially how he'd look. So... I'm kind of on the fence about it. I could go either way, so I'm leaving the decision up to you guys. What do you guys think? Do you like it? Should I continue with this design? Or do you think this looks dumb, and I should just give him his hand back instead? Lol. 

Let me know what you think? Last chance to give some feedback before I have to commit to a design and start on the scene itself. 

Thanks for the feedback & support! There will be a follow up poll early next week to choose some details about the scene itself. I am also working on a small update blog for everyone that will be up soon-ish.

~ Jim




You can download the full resolution render from the attachments, or right click -> "View Image". :)

Timothy Guns

I'm kinda on the fence about it. In one way it's a unique design for a boss monster but on the other hand (pun intended) the penis hand is really distracting. I feel like there might be something else you could do to make him a unique enemy but i don't know what.

John white

I don't see why you can't make two with different designs or is it only one boss

Han Pol

I think it looks a bit odd, maybe making the part of the arm that acts as penis a bit bigger, less megaman with a penis canon and more like an ogre wearing a club. or well big dildo.


You mean make the penis part take up more of the arm? Problem is I then have to match the girth of the cock to his bicep which makes it too big imo. Considering that he's already a big, tall guy compared to the girls. They probably only come up to his nipples.


Ah, just realized I set it so that people can pick multiple options if they want. Oh well. Shouldn't matter. Will just have to calculate percentages manually.


The design looks similar to the tank from L4D. I like that there are be special unique enemies that the infection mutates


If you like the design you should add it. I can understand how difficult it is to make it look good. I would enjoy it being more like this: Penis from about the middle of the forearm. and then longer and more floppy, i.e. more tentacle like. OR Penis from about the elbow, so he gets more mobility. Possibly a different shade, like you get a contrast between arm and penis. Still, great job with this difficult model.


I like it, but part of me thinks making the arm tentacle like, may help its outofplace predickament. If not, I'd make his left arm a fair bit thiccer to counterbalance.


i really like hexamore´s idea, would make it less weird i guess.