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And one final poll, this time just for you guys in the Special Forces Tier. Though for most, it probably won't be as exciting as the previous two characters I'm afraid...

Here's a WIP look at another character from Ali's group that will be introduced in v0.12. He's a minor character, keeps to himself and is one of the more sketchy characters in the group. While he's not particularly friendly and not many trust him yet, he does have his own sub machine gun with plenty of ammo. And he refuses to let anyone else touch it other than himself. Surprisingly, he insisted on tagging along on a little outing with Reyna and one other. They're low on ammo as it is, and needed all the help they can get, so they decided to let him come. What could go wrong?

Truth is, he was just about out of crystal before the infection was unleashed. He was meant to drive up to Hardwood City later that very same day to meet with his dealer. Now almost one week since his last hit, he's starting to get desperate. The only thing on his mind is finding something to take the edge off, before he has another psychotic episode. Of course, nobody else knows about this yet.

Depending on player choice, it is possible for him to have a sexual interactions with both Tiffany and Reyna. And yes, he too has been subject to F.W.I.'s Enhanced Fertility Serum...

I don't have a name for this guy either, so feel free to leave your suggestions in the comments.

Alright, so onto the poll itself. While I've generally got his design done, I am still unsure on the specific body type to give this guy. Since he's an addict, I thought maybe a skinny look (Option B) could work, but idk how I feel about it. Figured I'd let you guys choose while giving you a first look at him and what he's about. The body type won't affect his cock size, which by the way isn't erect here.

They're not as "High-Res" as the Reyna renders, but I've attached the original images to this post for download if you want to more easily compare the difference on your own.

Also, I have rendered the next Terminal Juggs page for you, but it's now 6:30 am in the morning here, so I need to get to sleep. I will edit it and upload it as soon as I can when I wake up. Hopefully it should still be out in time for what Patreon counts as the actual end of the month, since it's already the 1st down here. Regardless, it'll be done when it's done. And hopefully all of these last minute polls have made the wait for v0.08 slightly more bearable. That's the double edged sword of eliminating bonus content from my schedule, I get more work done behind the scenes, but the wait get more boring for you guys. Sorry about that.

~ Jim




How about Ricky?


A dude on meth having a gut like that... Should call him Skinny Pete, for that Breaking Bad reference.


I think of something like Kyle or Kevin


Looks more like a Milton or Edgar to me


Well, in my brain I was thinking that he used to be fat when he was younger.




jeff (he-fey)