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Hey guys,

Apologies once more for being so light on the Patreon specific content this month. Any bonus content like comics, chapters, polls, podcasts & discussions all came screeching to a halt as I focused everything on dealing with development. As you all know, I was working up to getting that Alpha released and now that we've made it through to the other side in one piece, I can take a bit of a breather and work towards getting my schedule back to where it should be before proceeding with development on the full release (technically next is a BETA for $10 patrons, but that will only be a few days before the full release as a final test).

But more on the development schedule later. I am changing some things around with my plans to better pace development and as such will release an update to the Development Roadmap in a few days time to better keep everybody informed and on the same page with regards to my current plans for upcoming releases.

Right now, I wanted to bring up something I've been thinking about for a while now, and that's the addition of extra fun things to do in the game. Right now, there's not a whole lot to do once you've caught up to the end of the story (Obvious made worse right now thanks to being stuck inside the Casino... Good one Jim!). So I've been thinking (on top of repeatable sex scenes and some mediocre daily type quests for items/cash) that I should add either some achievement system, collectibles or both! So that's what this discussion post is all about. To discuss a bit about my current early ideas, to get your feedback, and listen to ideas that you guys might have about fun little things to do in the game while playing.


Alright, so obviously let me just start by clarifying that these "fun things" are obviously not a primary focus right now. Nor am I necessarily interested in adding things that make the game grindy for no reason. The purpose for considering these systems now, is that when I finally break saves in an upcoming version (necessary for the sake of overhauling and adding future content) that will be the best time to add the back-end code/plugins for these types of features.

So while I'm not necessarily planning on adding a working achievements system anytime soon, I will have the perfect opportunity to add the necessary back end systems so that I can have such features in the future. So I need to start thinking about what sorts of things I want to include now, to avoid having to break everything again in the future.

As I mentioned, I'd like to make the achievements something that isn't necessarily grindy for no reason, but for actual accomplishments Things like:

  • "Beat the game without Tiffany getting fucked once."
  • "Beat the game without using an armor repair kit."
  • "Have Tiffany get knocked up by every possible male/futa character."

^Just some examples, rather than something like:

  • "Have sex 1 million times."
  • "Kill 1 million zombies"
  • "Acquire 1 million dollars."

Although... Those do sound like fun ones (Just with less grindy numbers to achieve obviously)

The way these achievements would work, would be that if you unlock them in one save file, they'll be carried across to all you other save files too. So you'd only have to get them once.

I plan to implement scene unlocking for the gallery mode in this way too.

So, what do you guys think about some kind of achievement system like this being added?

Yeah, I know it's not the most important right now, but as I said, I will need to start thinking about these sorts of things now to limit the amount of times I'll need to break saves going forward. And let me know what sorts of fun ideas you may have for achievements in the comments below.

Another things that is interesting to think about is some kind of reward system for these achievements. What should you get for bothering to do it? Gamerscore? Trophies? What's the point of that if it's just one RPG Maker game? The reward should be something tangible, like an extra image or small scene. It can't be anything too huge, or time consuming to produce, but I think it could be a fun way of making these achievements worth pursuing for more players.

Since and in-game scene wouldn't make much sense, it would have to be some special scene that gets unlocked in the gallery. Could be some 3D pinup image done by me, a 2D commission piece perhaps, or some small scene that's removed from the game's story line. Idk yet, but it could be a good idea to explore some scenes that don't work in the story, "what if scenarios" or totally fantasy scenarios set outside of the TD universe, but with TD characters?

There's a lot of possibilities there, but obviously (in the beginning at least) my dev time will be spent on new content for the game itself and not bonus stuff to unlock. But again, it's something to start thinking about and discussing.

BTW, I mentioned 2D commissions there, I do have some more on the way. And I know I passed my 2.5K goal a while ago (Thank you all so much) so I will be making a separate post about that in the coming weeks.


Though this next topic kind of does share some similarities with those 2D commissions. It has been something I've thought about and maybe even brought up here before. What should I do with all of the 2D Art Pieces I've been having commissioned for TD? Seems like a no brainier to add them into the game's gallery mode. But should I just dump them all in there, or perhaps make them collectible items that you have to scavenge the maps for?

I've seen some other adult RPGs do similar things and it was kind of fun since you knew you'd get a picture when you found it. They'd be cleverly hidden around the map (much more subtle that the shiny sparkles I frequently use to denote items or quest points) and given you something to look out for, and a reason to go exploring other that supplies. Because let's face it, there's probably a good chunk of the player base who is making Tiffany have sex at every opportunity and therefore has no need for all of the items and cash lying around.

The only thing that does somewhat urk me, (though only in a very minor way) is that there's no good lore reason for there to be art pieces featuring our main girls just lying around in vary places in the town... But I suppose at some point I have to get a life and admit that I'm developing a video game and not every single little things about it needs to make lore sense! :P

Aside from potentially finding the comm pieces as collectibles, does anybody else have any idea for fun collectibles to find in game?

And how about other "Fun Stuff" to do in general. Things that don't necessarily add to much to the development time, but add some cool things to do on the side while also enjoying the new content updates. Let me know in the comments below.

Okay, so that's it from me right now. Thanks so much for your support this month, I will see you guys in a couple of days with new posts, polls & more. Make sure to leave a comment down below to participate in the discussion and give me your ideas & feedback. :)

~ Jim



An idea from Meltys Quest, where the post-game content featured a non-canon scene from the developers other games. A cool idea would be tiffany would find a basement, somewhere God knows, that leads to the gremlins from the wonderwoman comics you did.


Ah yes. Melty's Quest. Still need to play that one don't I. It's probably got a ton of useful ideas I haven't considered. But yeah, that could certainly be one option :)


Thanks for the post :) Well some achievements like "kill all your enemy with the knife" or "never use grenades" are easy to find (but hard to get) ^^ Some more specifics to the game could be related to the side quests ("give birth to Robert's child", "Help the doctor to trap Vanessa", "give a hand to Terry ;)", etc) or related to the main story ("spare/kill Kiana/Andre", "Cheater, you find the password for the rooftop", etc). Concerning the reward I think the best is a little scene (dialogue+render) with a "what if" scenario (Tiff becoming Miguel's pet, Tiff new life with Robert, etc), it's a nice reward and it gives the desire to get them all.


For the collectibles, what do you mean by fun stuff and fun collectibles ? (like some pseudo-bloopers where the characters have funny poses ?)


Achievements reward have them tied with the gallery, be like do what ever with whom ever to see the scene and unlock it permanently. There should be a reward to give incentive the players unless you have completionists which would do it no matter what lol. Collectibles you can have fun with it like a extra images or commision pieces or maybe like a gold version of a weapon that gives extra damage.


Could take a note from Epiclust's BotB achievs. Depending on who you fuck you get a small turntable/animation featuring those characters. Like if you do all the "exotic" women you get one achievement while doing all the school girls you get another etc. Have you ever tried doing an animation like that? "Simple" walking animation or picture loop that you can access through the menu would be really cool. Also making them either tie into the achievement or non-canon are both great ideas. Lactating a certain amount gives a lactation render/animation, or something to do with a cow girl. (The Moo kind, not the western kind) I like challenge runs, but having one achievement at the end of the run makes it kinda meh. Getting through the game Unfucked and without shooting your gun for a simple render would kill me, but if you sprinkled them into the game and rewarded us for doing "Arcs" without shooting etc. that would be a much better feeling. Collectibles scattered around the place, like magazines and stuff would be really cool, and a way to add more non-canon stuff, or just random porn, if you don't want to use main characters. Like she finds the adult section of a book store and finds some TD universe "Hentai" etc.


For collectibles, a lot of people used to collect beanie babies, some people collect steins you could add some nick-nac type of items for Tiff to find throughout the game. The lore reason behind why Ashton Lake is such a hotspot for the items could be because the factory that makes them is located there. Could even take it a step further and say that they are something she collects/collected back in her normal life in Hardwood. The reward could be unlocking a new image in the gallery after finding 1,5,10, etc... of these items. The biggest flaw would be that there isn't much of an incentive on unlocking these images if they are comm images we already have access to on Patreon. You could take a page from Fallout and make something like their bobbleheads that Tiff could find scattered throughout Ashton. Like in Fallout, you could gain a small stat buff upon fiding a new bobblehead like health is permanently increased by 1%, Tiffany's agility is permanently increased by 1%, or zombies permanently have a 1% less chance to strip Tiffany in combat. The collectible items could even be different sex toys that Tiff could find and bring back to camp for a short little repeatable animation. However, that would probably be a lot of rendering. If you wanted to make the collectibles the comm images but implement them in a lore friendly way, you could introduce a character who begins spying on Tiffany and her allies early on in the game. This character could develop an obsession with the girls and would return to their lair where they fantasize about the girls and draws these fantasies(obviously the comm images) then leaves the images scattered throughout Ashton Lake to gain the girls' attention. Each image discovered puts Tiff one step closer to locating the spy's hideout. After finding all images Tiffany can find the hideout and confront the spy. This idea could use some polish, but maybe there's something here.


You know what? Collectible sex toys does sound like a great idea. Makes it very easy to figure out what the reward should be... As for 2D comm rewards, I would maybe have some that are exclusive to the game... idk yet if I like that idea though. And hmmmm... I smell a self insert character opportunity, lol.


Yeah, some simple “animation” like that could be as enough. We’ll see... I wouldn’t make every achievement a “beat the game doing x” achievement, that’d be too tedious. Only in special circumstance don’t worry. Also, I thought about using non TD characters, for the collectible rewards, but that also seems silly. People want to see the girls after all.


With all the Resident Evil DNA in the game, it might make sense to have some good old speedrun milestones that unlock infinite-ammo weapons. Would be useful for players wanting to get through the game more quickly on repeat playthroughs to reach specific parts they like. Also taking from Resident Evil, it could be that finding in-game collectibles or completing achievements could give you some kind of special bonus currency to use in a shop on the main menu, where you can purchase bonus art, cheats, extra modes, etc...