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I will update the following percentages as I make progress:

  • Writing: 99%
  • Rendering: 70%
  • Render Editing: 70%
  • Level Design: 80%
  • Feature Implementation: 90%
  • Story/Quest Implementation: 32%
  • Sex Scene Implementation: 5%
  • Testing: 30%


  • Bold = Updated since last edit.
  • Underline = Finished.

Hey all,

Sorry I kept putting this post off. I didn't want to make it until I had reached some kind of development milestone I could be proud of. As you'd probably suspected, I'm not quite there yet still. However, the ALPHA release will be here this month. Bold words, I know...

I will update this with more info and an image tomorrow (Though I don't have any new renders to show). I need to sleep right now & I spent a little too much time writing up the post for this poll. Go vote in it if you're a $5+ patron to help determine what additional scenes will be retroactively added in the new v0.09.

Thanks for all your patience and support. I apologize for the delays and lack of updates. There's a bit more info on the Discord where I detailed some of the bugs I've fixed over the last few days. Though I've done more than just that.

~ Jim



Update #1: Added some images, the commission piece, and some info. Intro is now finally fully complete and playable. Did some more fixing on some features and level design. Will ramp that up in the coming days.


Update #2: Making reasonable progress, but not quite as good as I'd hoped. Looks like the alpha will be fully playable in time, but the sex scenes won't all be finished yet. Since the sex scenes are technically the main feature/purpose of the game it would seem kind of silly to release just the story/gameplay with zero or only one sex scenes. Therefore the release will probably be in the first few days of March instead. But I'll let you know more in a day or so for sure, once I finish everything on that front.


Update #3: Well, the good news is that I've just finished my very first play through of the Alpha from start to finish. It is now in a state where it can be played from start to finish. It's just missing some turret and enemy placement, difficulty tweaks, & the bulk of the middle story scene (which I hope to finish implementing tomorrow). Only problem is. Still now sex scenes. This is the last step. I've been doing it a little differently this time. Usually I try to finish the bulk of the sex scenes first and it's usually everything else that holds me up. Well, it's the same here, except this time I purposely left the sex scenes till last. They are truthfully the least important part, since they don't really need to be tested or anything unlike the other parts of the gameplay and story. However, even though I could technically release what I have tomorrow, It wouldn't be very fun for you guys to play if it doesn't have any sex scenes in it. So, it makes the most sense to delay it a little bit longer so that there is some of the fun stuff in there. I have already decided that I am going to release it on or before the 6th of March. Whatever is done by then will be the Alpha. If it ends up being too light on the sex scenes, I might do an ALPHA #2 in a week or so after... But that will depend on a variety of things including how many bugs people find and if I need to gather more feedback on certain things before preceding with the remaining scenes/features/content. Sorry for the delays. I know it sucks on my part. I have been trying to stay off of the internet to be more productive. It's been working okay... There's one or two more screenshots on the discord for those who are unaware, but It's nothing special. I've shown basically all that I'm willing to at this point.


Update #4: That damn tedious turret code was more time consuming than I had expected, but all the level design/gameplay is finished now, and it wont take me too much longer to finish the final story scene (should be all done within the next 24 hours) Then I can fire up both machines and focus solely on rendering for my remaining time. Assuming I get the story sex scenes in at least, March 6th should still be the correct ETA.


Its going to be great worth the wait


Update #5: I instead spent today working on some final renders for the story scene that preludes a sex scene. After looking at it a bit more, regardless of what I get done tomorrow. Postponing until the 12th is probably for the best. I've got a rigid, specific idea in my head of what I want this alpha to be now, and I won't be able to make it happen by the 6th. However, I still need to take a break after the 6th anyway, just for a couple of days. That's why the jump in ETA's may seem more drastic than it really is.


Update #6: It was definitely a good idea to push the release, I'm quite pleased with the additional renders that I've done. It will make the pre-sex story scene better. Was always going to add them for the final, but it feels lack luster for you to find out the story events without all of the images for those. Finished those two character designs I've been putting off as well. Can't show em, but those who have been paying attention can probably figure it out at this point. Again, I apologize for taking the next 2 days off. I had already made up my mind weeks ago that I was going to take a couple days off around my birthday. I'll be back to work after that though. Btw, I have been posting a couple extra render previews on the discord for those unaware...


Update #7: Ended up taking a bit more of a break than I had planned. Turns out I was more burnt out that I had wanted to accept. Spent most of yesterday redoing some images due to Kiana missing her nipple rings in the renders I did last week. So today was the first day of any progress, but it wasn't much. Starting fresh tomorrow, but for me that is the 12th. Obviously it's not going to be done by then. I'm getting really sick of trying to figure out a date. I never should have given one in the first place. I feel like it's nothing more than a curse at this point. I'm going to say the 20th, because it's a pretty conservative estimate. Will try my best to get it done faster, but I don't know at this point. I'm done with "ETA's" for good after this alpha release.


Update #8: Things are coming along well, despite the percentages given. Been working mostly on the two main sex scenes. Got 6 more images to pose, 9 to render. But if we account for variations due to Tiffany's different bodies, this brings the total amount of renders left for this scene up to 25. There's also still 2 combat sex scenes I want to get done before the alpha is "ready". But we'll see. They're not as essential to the test experience, where as I want the main scenes to be complete for when you first experience them.


Update #9: Essentially finished the last of the Story/Quest implementation, just a few things I gotta add tomorrow to finish it off. However, That's only something I worked a little bit on today, most of the last few days have been spent rendering. By my current estimates, there should be about 3 days left until I've got everything rendered for the sex scenes that I absolutely need to add before you guys can see it (There will be just 3 sex scenes in this alpha release). After that there is probably about 1 day of editing images, and then add an extra day for implementing them, testing, things going wrong, etc. That's why my current ETA is now the 24th. I hope it will be less, but I think it's probably a fair estimate all things considered.


Update #10: Sixteen renders left (variations included, most posed, should all be done tomorrow) and the bestial zombie scene will be good enough. I may add a little bit to it in the full release or a later version, depending on time. ETA is the 26th now, but hopefully this will be the day. It's all coming together but it's going to be 3 hard days of work. Got things I need to take care of on the 27th, so hopefully my inner perfectionist can be controlled and I can get this done.

Sentimental Penguin

Look, as long as you're taking care of yourself in these trying times, we're cool. (Also, please progress the pregnancy system, I want to know how it works out.)


Thanks, but I'll be fine. My normal life is basically the same as quarantine anyway :) Except I am one of the few who is lucky enough to get to keep working, thanks to everyone's support. Pregnancy system will progress with time, stage one of two will be seen in this version though.


Update #11: 5 renders left, but they're all posed and will only take around 50 minutes each in the morning so not a problem since I can begin render editing as planned while they cook. I also finished implementing the remaining bits of the last story scene that needed work, and finished typing up all the changes in the changelog. ETA remains the 26th at this point in time.


Update #12: All renders done and edited. Took about 3 hours longer than I had estimated yesterday. Which, all things considered, is pretty good for me, lol. I was aiming for late on the 26th, but early on the 27th is more likely atm. To avoid timezone confusion as I approach the finish, I'm moving to "hours" instead of a date. The days mean nothing to me anyway seeing as I'm about to go to sleep at 6:30 am... Hopefully tomorrow goes at least as well, but first, sleep.


Update #13: Bestial Zombie combat scene implemented and tested. 2 more scenes to go.


Update #14: One more scene. Going to do a bit of testing after that as well. I'm also factoring in a 3 hour power nap into the ETA in case I need it to survive...


Update #15: Exporting, Uploading, Writing Blog Post.