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Hey guys,

Those who read the novel that was Dev Blog #5, would have been made aware that my plans for v0.09 may be changing because of some optimizations I need to make to the game's backend before proceeding with Day 3's planned content. Basically, I will probably be splitting up all of v0.09's content into smaller versions, each with a monthly release window.

The first of these releases would be the new v0.09 which would include:

  • Code optimization & overhaul.
  • Spruce up the game's intro with improvements & 1-2 additional scenes.
  • Add "Sex Scene Gallery" feature.
  • Add first voiced lines for Tiffany.
  • Fixes and adjustments to Day1-2 quests/maps (eg, add Female Zombies & new items)
  • Maybe some additional features if time (eg. Separate page for pregnancy stats)

^ It's that bolded bit up there that's in question here. I am unhappy with the very first section of the game as I have mentioned previously (The go to the sewers and press the button bit) Because it is very linear and a boring first experience with the game. I want to add a female zombie encounter scene here (The part where Tiffany here's a noise but there's nothing there). It won't exactly be a sex scene, though there will be a choice involved. Just something short to build up mystery/tension better. I still want the current "first encounter" scene (with the two male zombies attacking Vanessa) to be where she first see's a male zombie's dick and has to make that choice.

I also intend to slightly rework the dialogue in the intro (Terry & Tiffany in the car) to mention some more important things + maybe add a choice in there too.

Since I'll be starting to get voice lines for Tiffany soon, I want to make sure I don't waste time & money recording the current version of the intro if I'm just going to change it later. So i figured I might as well do it here, since players will have to start their saves from the beginning of the game anyway.

Which brings us to the main point of this post. Since you will be made to play the game from the beginning again, would you like me to also develop a couple of new scenes or interactions during Day 1-2? Or would you rather I just did the bare minimum to get the game's backend sorted, and move onto the planned Day 3 content (Check Dev Blog for details on the Newly proposed v0.10 & v0.11) ASAP?

Basically, as it's planned right now, this version won't really have any new content. Since I'll mostly be working on the code and the new features. So the only thing you'd be really playing in v0.09 is the updated intro I described above, everything else would be the old content up to the end of v0.08. So, would you rather have an update that comes out faster, but has no new real scenes? Or take a bit longer to add some new content to play in Day 1-2, since you'll have to replay those days anyway?

And if you vote "YES". Please post a comment down below if you have an idea for a new scene or interaction you'd like to see added to Day 1 or 2. If "YES" wins, I will make a follow-up poll, where the suggestions (if they are doable) will be added as options, and you guys can then vote on one or two scenes to be added.

Thanks for the feedback and support. Progress with the "Level Design" and "Feature Implementation" is coming along well (45% -> 75% for both). Will post the "v0.08 Alpha Progress Report" to start tracking percentages properly in the next few days. Can always check with the discord too.

~ Jim



1. A vanessa and terry scene would be cool, because it would also make a new dynamic for the Debra scene. 2. Sydney and some zombies actual sex like a dp or something/ George and Sydney. 3. Debra and Big Barney


Would prefer another scene for the farm


For the first and the third point, I am not sure at they are already at the point. Vanessa is still very shy, and I think Debra mentioned something like she did not noted The Barney is a big Barney. But I really like your second idea. There was the first GangBang of Tiff and the Zombies. They have been locked up by Sydney. We could have a scene how she managed to "trap" them into the garage. 😁


Terry is the first one who finds Georges brother (I cant remember his name) There could be a scene where Terry has to rescue him from a couple of horny female Zombies, while the rescue scene he will than be bitten (the brother not Terry)


If the saves have to be rewriten could you add an option to add comments to the saves. As we play it several times to get every scene it would help which scenario has already been done


Yes, something like that could work. Even though Day 2 has a lot of farm content already. Any ideas specifically?


I don't think there is much to be gained from a scene like that since it won't have been a sex scene. Plus I'd rather not shift away from Tiffany's perspective too much like that. Especially to somewhere completely different to where she is located.


I don't think I can add a comment to the save screen itself unfortunately. Though I am looking into it. I may be able to add something like an in game journal though, where player's can add some notes. That might help a little bit. I know it's an issue though. I will keep an eye out for a solution.


What characters are you comfortable with using? Anyone that you personally want to work with? I think Tiff X Big Barney is a good idea. And just gotta plug more Jasper content, just cuz.

Karl Hungus

I have an idea for a small scene on the farm...How about Tiffany is able to go to the stables and collect a "certain type of thick white fluid" that she could consume later. The fluid could increase her health or something along those lines. You could have a collection scene in the stables and then maybe a scene when she drinks it. And maybe you have to find a certain type of container to be able to collect it...like a gallon jug or something.


I'm fine using anyone from those days so long as the idea works. I don't think there's much that works with a character like Terry for reasons I described above. Some lesbian scenes could be nice if people are interested. Could do a follow up for Jasper where Tiffany and Hitomi give him a bath. Or a scene with Jasper X Vanessa maybe.


Maybe. This might be something that's better for later though. It works well with what I have in mind for future farm content. Better to do the renders with the new body than the old one now, and then have to redo them. I think more "unique" standalone scenes are better here. As opposed to repeatable scenes that will have to be redone.


i just would like to replay the scenes after getting the horses into the barn, no new scenes required and would be cool to see some slutty dialogue : D


Well, I will be adding the scene gallery in this version, so it won't be that much harder to add the scenes as repeatable ones here as well.


What's the possibility of, while she's in the sewer system after she hears the growl she goes to investigate and finds someone being turned into a zombie? I think the point of the growl can definitely be expanded to not just end there. If we want the Vanessa interaction to be the first heroic option and intro to zombie dick then this can sort of limits what can be done unless you use a monster that she meets in the future. The idea in general is you get a scene where she just watches it happen due to hesitation or being separated from the area.


Tiffany and Big Barney? Tiffany and George with a sex option? Tiffany and Terry maybe just some colorful language / innuendo if Terry isn't allowed to have sexual encounters on Day 1?


Yeah, Tiffany & Big Barney can work. Saving Tiffany and George for later. We'll see with Terry, I might add some choices to their conversation in the car.


How about a little more after the option to smack Vanessa's ass after the side mission. Could you make use of the dildos Dr. Milburn has in the pharmacy basement.


I'm hoping for more with the dog. Like, for example, after "feeding it" when you clean up the dog bowl, it wakes up and mounts her. Or maybe some zombie dogs on the streets and/or the forest.


This is a good idea. That or when Tiffany first rescues Vanessa, if she wants to take advantage of her. And yeah, should probably put those to use in some way...


Yeah, can add something with Jasper. Zombie Hounds are a planned enemy type for v0.09... well the old one. Now it will be v0.10


As much as I'd like moving on, I also like having a larger quantity of content to help flesh out the world and make places more interesting. In particular, I'd like to see some more elaboration on Vanessa. I like her character a lot and seeing her in sexy situations has always been a highlight. However you go about that is up to you I guess. I like Tito's option on going further with that hint of a lesbian angle.


maybe a pacifying option for dr. Milbourne, or atleast more scenes with Hitomi,


I would definitely like another scene with dr. Milburn where after day 1 he couldn’t impregnate you. Day 2 you go down and you see milburn putting his dick through and asking for head but doesn’t get it from hitomi so Tiffany gives head and fucks milburn to get pregnate


He puts it through the cage and you help him release while also another chance to get impregnated by him


would love to see Big Barney stretching our Tiff's throat and ass, especially seeing as the latter hasn't been claimed by a beast yet ;)