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Hi guys,

So thanks to the results of the second poll here, it's been closely decided that this new "Red" character will be the design we go with as the base for the upcoming Lab Assistant character. For those who prefer Cynthia's design, don't worry. I'm sure I'll come up with a role for her TD cameo at some point later on.

I would now like for you guys to suggest a Name for this character. Obviously "Red" isn't necessarily what I want her name to be. So please leave name suggestions in the comments below. You can of course leave surname suggestions too.

She is of course a skilled F.W.I. scientist even if she is working under Dr. Slater at this point in time. So she is more than just a simple assistant. I was originally going for a more nerdy design, but like I said she ended up being a lot hotter and seductive than I had planned. But since she is working for the less than morally grey Fertile Womb Industries, she's not exactly so innocent and good-intentioned herself. So an eviler, sexy look could totally work for her if you guys prefer it.

Which is partially where this poll comes in. It is to decide what makeup option we should go for with her. I am unsure if she looks better with heavy or lighter makeup. So I created two options for you to choose between.

Option 1:

Option 2:

Keep in mind I will be giving her glasses and probably adjusting her proportions a bit before her design is finalized. So it's possible there will be another follow up poll of some kind in the following weeks.

So, which makeup option do you prefer?

Thanks for the all support this month. Will be preparing the devblog after this but it won't contain too much in the way of previews. I will be posting a separate sneak peek for you guys, however it will be a "spoilery" to a small extent.

~ Jim



She looks like a Tia to me. Tia Filler With glasses she might be a Linda though.


Maybe Sandy or Becky?


I think Red would make a good nickname, but for her real name, I think maybe Rachel? Actually, that name sounds familiar. Is there already a Rachel in the game I am forgetting? If so, I'm also a fan of her somewhat of an slightly odd or embarrassing name, like Edith, as in "my grandma's name is Edith" or even something really out there, to justify everyone calling her Red.


Gladys, named for her grandmother, Gladys Kravitz, who was always spying on her neighbors, Darren & Samantha Stevens.


I think Rebecca sounds fitting


rebeca o jesica


Rebecca (Becca) is nice, but I like Robin and Richelle. Start the name with an R and you get the alliteration with red. Maybe she has a nickname? Red Robin. Kappa


Not going to lie. "Rebecca Redfield" has a nice ring to it. But I think Redifeid is getting a little to on the nose there... haha Something like that though, with red in the name. To ded to think right now though :)


Yes, a little too on the nose. Because this is such a serious game, what with characters like Police Chief Juggs. I'm not saying I don't like Chief Juggs mind you, but the instant you gave her that name, from that moment forward there was no name too silly or too on the nose to be used.


Looks like a Tanya to me; Tanya Topsworthy or Tanya Toogood


Ah shit, I was leaning heavily towards Rebecca, but I also really like "Sonya".... Hmmmmmm