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Something I don't think I've ever gathered opinions on before is how people feel about the sorts of outfits that the male characters wear in TD.

So far, it's mostly been that Male Characters are fully clothed or simply have their dicks out due to it being difficult to contain them when they're the sizes they are. (Both lore wise, and as the guy that actually has to manage the models/bulges).

But what is the general opinion on this? Would people like to see more male nudity from certain characters? Or "Sexier" outfit designs. After all, it is the same world where the girls dress extremely skimpily. There's no real reason why it couldn't apply to some of the men as well if there was enough demand for it.

I appreciate that most people are not here for the men. And that there's a fine line between a "sexy outfit" and a "gay outfit" that some people might be turned off by. Still, I figured it was worth polling, since it's never been brought up before. So leave an comment if you have a particular opinion on this, and/or vote in the poll below.

Feel free to pick all of clothing combinations you'd like to see/be okay with seeing.

For those wondering about the next update. I plan on posting the next Devblog after I've finished developing the Alpha to a playable state (minus the sex scenes). There's no point making that sort of post unless I've made substantial progress and have something to show for it. I'll keep posting minor updates to the discord though for those who want to follow more closely. Thanks for your feedback and support.

~ Jim


T. Stone

Im happy with the system you have been using, personally I always find it sexier in these sorts of games if the girls are dressed skimy while the guys are dressed more normal since it implies that the girls could be dressed more conservative, but choose not to for whatever reason.


No skimpy for me, but the rest seems fine. Naked obv has to have some hilarious explanation to why he has nothing on. Would hanging a sock on your member in an emergency count as a "skimpy" outfit? Male characters that either dress stylish or tactical would be my preference.


I'd like to think of the 'fully clothed' version as one where the males do wear kind of skinny trousers that still show off their massive bulges. but that is how it's been most of the time anyways ;)


I guess it all depends on the type of character anyway. Don't really want to see a bunch of old and fat guys in the nude all of the time. But if it's a buff bodybuilder type of character, you probably want to be able to have him show his muscles off to the girls.


Yes, I agree. Obviously I made it this way because it appealed to me. I just figured I should actually ask others what they thought of it :)


Of course. That is the one benefit of the non-dicks-out versions. Though it is difficult on a technical level. Clear pants bulges are fun.


I honestly am no too sure about what a skimpy male outfit would look like exactly. I imagine something like Conan the barbarian style. Ripped jean shorts or something. Don't know if a loincloth would fit this modern style. Yeah, the other option would be jockstraps and mankini's and all that. I suppose you can't really do that skimpy of a male outfit without their dicks being exposed, when they're that size, now that I think about it... But yes, I agree and it looks like the majority do anyway, that I should probably just continue as I have been. Though throwing some shirtless guys out there every now and then is something I was planning to do anyway.


I prefer most men to be dressed like they have been, but one dude running around mostly naked, maybe because he worked at the strip club or something when the outbreak happened, would be an interesting change of pace.


What is (for harambe)? I do not understand I like the general fully dressed and that his cock is marked like most of the characters so far in the game, but if it would be good, depending on the character, if he is a lifeguard who has no shirt or if Tiffanny crosses a homeless who does not have Money for clothes.


Too late for that Jimbo, its high time you come out of the closet.


If the girls are generally pretty easy, I think many men would go without a shirt or otherwise look more attractive in the hopes that they would get some more action. Plus, having some boys for the girls to just fawn over would be nice.


Yeah, I might have one or two guys like that over the course of the game. We'll see...


https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/harambe-the-gorilla Where were you in 2016? Haha, dw, just a shit joke. Yeah, something like that would work. Of course some guys will undress during certain sex scenes or quests even. Kind of like Jebadiah or Andre in the previous version.


Yeah, that's kind of why I was thinking about it. Wouldn't mind having some male characters that the female characters find hot. Kind of did that with Debra and Terry, but would like to do more of it moving forward with different girls too.


I guess I'm in the minority here being one of the few (at least more vocal) gay players of your game, but I'd definitely like to see some men wearing skimpy costumes like the women. It would make sense for at least the sexier, more muscular men to do so. In only makes sense that if women that wear skimpier outfits get more sex, men that do would as well. You don't think that men want to have sex? Of course they do! If they have a great body and MASSIVE cock, the more they display it, the more people are going to admire it and want to be with them. It works for both women and men. Women have just traditionally not been "allowed" to find that kind of thing attractive, so they're much less vocal about it or conditioned to find it less desirable. I was so disappointed when I started the game and Terry wasn't wearing a male equivalent version of what Tiffany had on...So far he's the hottest guy in the game, he should really show off. You gotta give the women and us gay guys at least Terry (or some other hot male main character we can interact with often) in something skimpy...


Oh for sure. The results from this poll don't mean than there aren't going to be any men in revealing outfits. Of course there will be some. This poll was just to double check if the majority of people were content with my current approach which it seems they are. But just because every guy isn't going to be letting it all hang out doesn't mean a few of them won't be. And there will ofc be scenes where the guys get naked as well. And while it's been made clear to me that the vast majority of people prefer "hot guys" in scenes as opposed to "gross/old/ugly" dudes, that is still one of the game's kinks and something I enjoy. But yes, I will make an effort to add some more good looking guys in the same vein as Terry for the girls to snack on. Can't say with any certainty that I'd every really make a strictly male-on-male scene given my own preferences and my target audience. But there's bound to be some threeways/gangbangs involving multiple guys & a single girl, and possibly a couple instances of male-on-futa. Who knows though. It's not like I'm entirely opposed to a male focused gay scene, it's just at the very bottom of the to-do list right now. No promises. But I'm guessing you're well aware of what you signed up for here ;)