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Hey, just another poll continuing some decisions for the two upcoming Futa characters that will be added as a part of Ali's group in v0.11. Just a reminder, that these are only two characters. There will be plenty of new Male/Female characters added as well, I just have a lot of plans for them already.

So, thanks to previous results:

  • The Gym Teacher Character will be a Hispanic/Latino Futa.
  • The Construction Worker will be an Arabic Futa.

Now, as I've stated before, The options I have for designing the characters is to either give Futa charters a penis + balls OR a penis + a vagina. I also recognize that technically the Futa characters that have In the game are actually "Dickgirls" because they have balls. (But I'm still going to refer to this "gender" as "Futas" to keep it simple.) So I know some people were interested in potentially having some Futa characters in game that still had their original reproductive organs intact.

So the purpose of this poll is to decide what the new Futa characters should have down there. Obviously they will have a penis no matter what, but whether they should have vaginas or testicles as their "secondary equip" is up to you guys. ;)

And yes, while I don't really have much plans for scenes where Futa characters are the ones getting fucked. If they still have their vagina's then that does technically mean they could get knocked up at some point...

Thanks for your votes and support. Will try to have some polls about different topics up before then end of the month for those who have no interest in these Futa characters. Be on the look out for a Christmas image that I plan on rendering sometime tomorrow in between some v0.08 work. It should be an image of the girls who aren't going to have a roll in v0.08...

~ Jim



Balls on the construction worker and slot on the gym teacher. I'm normally a testicle-futa guy myself, but I also like variety.


I like the whole Futa gender... testicles are of course a MUST HAVE in my opinion.


I usually prefer futa with balls, but if I have to choose between them having balls and them possibly getting knocked up, I've gotta go with "knocked up"


Personally, I like my futa's to have both testicles and a vagina. If I have to choose, then I choose one and one instead of both having testicles or a vagina.


difficult... -.-'' If I have to choose between one evil and another, I'd rather not choose at all ;)


On a different note.... Merry Christmas everyone ;)


Yes, Happy Holidays to all :) Christmas image is still coming. Had power issues though so I still have to finish setting it up. Will render it while I sleep and post in the morning.