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Hey everyone,

I decided to make this poll open to everyone in order to get a larger sample size. I wanted to do a poll like this for a while where I can survey which types of content in TD you like or look forward to the most people. These are mostly fetishes for sex scenes rather that specific game/gameplay content. Some options are more specific than others.

Please vote for all of the content you enjoy the most, selecting all the options that apply to you. (Sure, you can pick them all if you want!)

This won't necessarily affect the upcoming content, but it is something I'm curious about and would like to keep in mind. If some type of fetish content you enjoy is missing from the list, feel free to leave it in the comments.

Thanks for all the support.

~ Jim



Damn, yall. Why you gotta disrespect my boi "Sex Scenes with Ugly/Fat/Older Men" like that!? :P


I don’t mind sex scene with older men, or even fat men, but men where the explicit goal from the beginning is to make them unattractive? Why? Sure I’m not there to masturbate to the men, but I don’t want them to take away from the scene by looking like a human embodiment of a pile of dog shit. It’s like saying “look at that nice filet mignon next to that pile of dung.”


Fair enough. For me, my biggest fetish is the seeing hot girls have sex with people/things they probably shouldn't have. That includes, monsters, beasts, and any guy that they could really do much better than or absolutely should avoid if they were normal. It's a combination of the idea that the sex is so good that the girls don't care what it is they're getting fucked by. As well as the idea that they know it's wrong so just by nature of it being taboo turns them on to the point where they find it hotter than if it was someone that was "their type".


I get that. I even agree kinda, I don’t mind when it’s with monsters or beasts, but with actual people there comes a point where the ugliness of the dude stars to take away from MY enjoyment because I’m NOT having mind-blowing sex, just masturbating. And note, I’m not saying every dude has to be a supermodel, or even average. But making someone deliberately unappealing when the goal is to get your audience off is wrong. But this is just my opinion.


Fair enough. And I'll keep that in mind. I was planning on putting a few more good looking type guys in. But this one is too much of a personal fetish for me to cut out of the game so there will be more guys like Jebadiah and George too since I have some things planned for them.


But, I guess that's also the advantage of a game like this. For the most part, you can just choose to avoid having Tiffany bang those types of guys anyway and just focus on who you want to see scenes with.


So setting aside all the talk about ugly dudes, I do have one particular kink that isn't up there. Well it kinda is. It's a subset of Transformation, specifically Gender Bending. Nothing gets my rocks off more than muscular dudes with giant dicks getting transformed into chicks with huge tits and ass, and then being fucked so hard over and over by the type of man they used to be until all then can think of is how much they love cock. And the more they struggle against their cock-lust before they submit, and the more cock-obsessed they become after they submit, the better.


I respect that. It's a popular fetish. But personally (and unfortunately), it is one of my least favorite fetishes overall. I don't have any plans for gender bending content in this game, at least at this point in time.


I suppose if it's possible for a women to grow a Dick from FWI's "Fertility Enhancement Serum". Then it should be possible in theory for men to change in the reverse ways as well. So who knows? All I can say is that I have no plans for it at this point.


Great game content... Will Tiffany have a proper Uniform? If I may be so bold to suggest, how about a stewardess hat, high waist garter with stockings & pumps and matching bra (sheer would be sexy) with a Blazer style Skirt Suit... More pieces for the Zombies to strip... and of course, don't forget her Utility Belt. It might also be nice if the Armour Repair Kits lets Tiffany choose which pieces to wear. Just a Suggestion... again, Awesome Game Content !


Tiffany will have the outfit that I've show off before, the same one she's had since the start, but blue instead of pink, and with a badge and skirt in v0.09. I may add one or two more pieces in the future. There will probably be a couple different outfits as well. But the whole idea is that the girls dress in super skimpy outfits in this "world". As for choosing the order of pieces, unfortunately due to how tedious is is to render and implement variations, stripping and repairing will always have to be in the same order.


Personally, I enjoy dick growth on women turning them into futanari. I don't really care for men turning into women, but will enjoy men turning into futanari. Also, don't really care for women turning into men. That's just me though.


I can respect that, but will there ever be a way to choose what skimpy outfit they wear, or is that just gonna be set in stone?


Im as big a fan of the sissification genre as the next kinkster, but I prefer not to be in the 1st person when its happening, like is the case with TrapQuest and the like. I do purely love scenes where the mc is a dude that gets growth spurtted though. IIRC the mc in Hornstown can do that, though not anywhere near to the dimensions that we get in TerminalDesires. But im also pretty bi, so I enjoy pretty much anything, lol.


Sissification and Gender Bender are NOT the same thing. Sissification is when a man dresses and acts like a women, usually through coercion, but stays a man and is something I personally can't stand in my porn. Sissification is pretty much undeniably gay, and while I have no problem with that, I am not. Man on man disgusts me personally, in a sexual sense. Again, I don't want anyone thinking I have anything against gay people as long as I'm not forced to watch. Gender Bender is when a man becomes a woman biologically through magic or technology and gets my rocks off like nothing else. Whether or not it counts as gay is a rather hotly debated topic, as it is still a man and a woman having sex. It's just the woman used to be a man. I should also add that the type of Gender Bender I like differs from real like transsexualism in that the person becomes the opposite gender biologically.


Yeah, like I said, there will probably be a couple different outfits that can be worn. But it's just going to take me a while.


I like a surprising amount of these. I almost wish I could rate them individually. Clothing destruction and expansion/lactation are probably my top ones if I could pick. Huge proportions are important though I do find I have a limit somewhere a little beyond this game's upper bounds. While I'm a big fan of horsedicks, whether it's attached to an actual beast or not isn't too important to me so I didn't list that as a preference. I do find myself particularly drawn to the "gangbang" scenes, there's just something about seeing the girls kneeling and surrounded by so much cock that I really enjoy. I think an important thing to talk about missing here is how much people enjoy birthing, the other half of impregnation. Some people have particular fetishes surrounding birthing (such as laying eggs) while others find impregnation hot but really don't care for the giving-birth part at all. They just like how a girl looks with a big pregnant belly and wish she'd stay that way. I didn't vote impregnation as one of my key fetishes because I surprisingly don't care for it being there or not, specifically, but it's not a turnoff at all either. I'm also a little surprised zombies aren't rated more highly given the nature of the game lol. I did vote for zombies, because I am turned on specifically by the fact the girls get to have sex with beings who are wholly obsessed with sex and literally nothing else.


Well, I didn't list specifically separate something like birthing yet from pregnancy since it's not content that currently exists in the game. And this was more about what people's favorite content is that's in the game at the moment, rather than what's to come later down the track. Zombies should be higher, I agree. Lol.


I truly have a morbid mind.....

Han Pol

I could kinda see it like an opposite attracts, so if Tiffany wants to have sex with them she can, maybe making one of the male char's . I like it but can see that it should be optional.


It's very difficult to not choose all of them, I think next time it would be better if you make a few smaller different polles an let each rate a different set of fetches.


I think if I have to pick my favourite an least favourite it would be : Breast Expansion/body groth/ transformations as my favourite. andere Sex with woman as my least favourite.(Sex with woman in my mind are the female zombie encounter's moste of those especially in the beginning part are pretty tame.)