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Hey everyone,

Yesterday I posted the first development blog showing off the different Bodies Tiffany can have at the start of Day 3. I also included a strange naming convention that probably just confused people, so I've redone this image to help better explain what is happening here:

Blue text: "Base Stage" - This is enhancements to Tiffany's tits, hip, and ass as a result of pregnancy or the lactivate pill.

Pink text: "Pregnancy Stage" - This is the inflation of Tiffany's belly as a result of pregnancy.

Black text: This is simply the explanation for how Tiffany achieved these "stages" in the context of Day 3 & v0.08

There will be 6 bodies in total. These 3 above (B0P0, B1P0, B1P1) & on Day 4 it will be possible to also have 3 others (B2P0, B2P1, B2P2). This means that in Day 4 there will be a second increase to her body (Base stage 2) and a second increase to her belly (Pregnancy stage 2). So these above sizes are not the only ones.

I hope this helps better explain what is going on here. I am sorry if I confused anyone with my previous explanation.

Now, I did get several comments (and I know many others agree) expressing disappointment in how subtle and unnoticeable the changes were between her Base Stage 0 body, and Base Stage 1 body.

I completely understand this sentiment. This is supposed to be a game of extremes, so when the change is so hard to distinguish, what's the point of spending so many hours making extra renders when players can hardly see any difference?

I am of course going to allow players to revert Tiffany (and other girls) back to their Base Stage 0 proportions if they don't like or want to keep the new enhancements, so there is no real reason why the increase should be so subtle. I was just originally not wanting to make such a big change between B0 & B1 since she only just got her B0 body (and is already lactating because of it). Plus B1 is just intended as the intermediate stage. It's the B2 body that will be the one players will choose to stick with or revert from. And the B2 change will be more noticeable.

But I still see where people are coming from. So I will give all patrons a chance to have their say now in this poll.

Should the "Base Stage: 1" increases (to hips, ass & tits) be larger/ more noticeable?


  • This poll has nothing to do with "Pregnancy Stage: 1" I will not be increasing the belly size at this stage, just the base body changes (hips, ass, tits).
  • I have no problem making the increases more drastic, but It will mean redoing a lot of the work I have done these last few days. That is fine by me if you guys are happy to wait bit longer for v0.08.
  • Due to time restraints, I cannot wait too long making changes to the bodies or holding off on renders. So I can only have this poll be up for 2-3 days. I won't be giving people options of how big the increases should be, juts know that it will be bigger than what is presented here. I don't have time to go back and forth on this forever.

Thanks for your feedback and support.

~ Jim



Posted before, but the poll options weren't showing. Looks like everything is good now.


I mean it should be more noticeable the changes since her pregnancy aren't normal


Hell yeah


It´s all depending on how much bigger she´d get if "Yes " won. I don´t want Tiffany to become extremely disproportionate.


It won't be too extreme. I'd just make it so the difference would be more noticeable when comparing them next to each-other.


That sounds good. I mean, it was clearly noticeable in the in-game scenes you showed on the discord already but I wouldn´t mind a little bigger :D


Right, the difference between her original body and her new base (Base stage 0) is clearly noticeable, but people were wanting the difference between base stage 0 & 1 to be more noticeable, which admittedly it is not so much.


Thing is, I'm one of those pregnancy people. I love the change in belly size as well. So, if she's having a child in 3 days, shouldn't she have like, 3 months/6 months/9 months? Like, Day one after being impregnated, she'd have a small belly as you've posted. Second day, her stomach has grown to show it's almost a fully developed child, and that third day, after she's slept and woken up, she has that 9th month stage of pregnancy upon awakening. Or is that your plan of attack as is? So long as I see her having a round belly, milk, and she can still get rammed somehow, (ass/mouth or pussy as well if you do that route) I'm cool, y'know? Then again, that's a lot of work, so I can understand if she goes from small to large.


My plan is just to do the 3 pregnancy stages 0=no belly 1=4 month belly 2=9 month belly. I would do 3, but it's just too many variations, this is the best I can do. Don't worry though, you will be able to see Tiffany get fucked with her stage 2 belly if you choose :)


Well, thanks a lot for posting this proposition, it's a lot of work to do, but yeah, for me, the bigger the better ! :D


Voted yes, but only slightly. It was already a noticable change, but mostly from the back angle. she gets quite the booty after lactivate (strange coming from a lactaction pill, maybe for counterwieght?) Happy either way it goes


Well, yeah, like I explained, the main reason is just to cut down on the number of variations needed by having them share the same base increases. But I'm thinking of it more-so in terms of the the lactivate pill gets the girl's body ready for breeding.


I just wanna say that it is awesome how you react to our criticism and change stuff you already decided. My man you are awesome!