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Hey, I just made some minor edits to the tier descriptions since I hadn't updated them in a long time and I wanted them to more accurately reflect what you get.

The biggest thing to mention is that I'm going to stop referring to the update posts as "Weekly Updates" since they're not exactly weekly at all, especially of late. That's not to say I won't be trying to get an update out at least once per week, that will still be my goal. I'm just going to be calling them "Development Updates" now since it's a more accurate title at this point.

I just figured I'd let you know in case you weren't sure what was going on. (I don't know if patreon sends you a notification when I edit the tiers or not). Just wanted to assure you that nothing has actually changed.

Thanks for all your support this month. Getting deeper into work on v0.08 now that I've taken care of most of everything else. The first "Development Update" for v0.08 with some previews should be in several days time.

~ Jim



If you changed anything already, patreon didn't say anything, FYI ;)


Okay, that's good to know. Thanks for the heads up. Just didn't want anyone to freak out and think I was changing things at the start of the next month to trick people, lol.


Hey jimjim, do you think you could make a link on patreon for us to play your game early before the public release?


Sorry, I’m not sure what you mean? The game has been up for patrons for a while now?