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FINALLY! I've been working on this version for well over 4 months at this point!

I'm sorry to everyone who's been waiting patiently all this time. Especially those who opted not to play either of the BETA releases and waited for the full release. I hope you'll find that the end result was worth it. I need to take a week off to reorganize my schedule and get back to regular content posting here on Patreon. Though I'll still be working on things such as the Terminal Desires Comic, DNA Valkyrie, some new polls, and finally updating my blog and other social media presences. But more about that in another post. For now, enjoy! Remember to check the changelog section of this post for more info on what's new. Or post a comment if you're stuck or find any game breaking bugs that need fixing.

~ Jim



Mac OS X:

Until I can get a Mac device to properly export from, I think the best method to play the game is to use a tool like: "WineBottler" to run the windows version from your Mac device. Thanks to "Per Taskeladd" for confirming that this will work.



You can download patches for certain, additional content from my blog. Go to the "Terminal Desires" page where you can find a patch...






*Added a sex scene between Debra & Terry.

- Triggered by leaving the pharmacy while Terry & Debra are inside (Before the Casino).

- Bonus if Vanessa is free & has her outfit (top + bracelet) on ;)

*Added 4 new interiors (2 in the South part of town, and 2 in the East)

- There should now be plenty of loot avaliable for those who were unable to afford the shotgun before.

*Added a Research Journal to Dr. Hoffner's terminal in the Casino's Basement for those who would enjoy some extra reading.

*Added missing 'non-slut' dialogue for the scene that plays when Tiffany fails to rescue Debra in the barn.

*Added missing 'non-slut' dialogue for the scene that plays when Tiffany loses to Zombie Robert.

*Added missing 'non-slut' dialogue for the scene that plays when Tiffany loses to Sydney's Zombies.

*Dr Milburn will now also pay Tiffany $100 for completing the quest: "Vanessa's Imprisonment".

- Players who already completed the quest will have the reward added to their inventory.

*Fixed a bug where the Pharmacy's 'Storage Room Key' was being accidentally given to the player early.

*Fixed some typos other small bugs.




v0.07 - BETA 2


*Added the complete ending scene for Day 2.

*Added the Female Zombie combat sex scene.

*Added the option to trigger the handjob scene with Terry in save files where you'd already completed the "Helping Hand" quest.

*Added some additional images & dialogue to certain interactions.

*Added some more feminine sounds for female & futa zombies.

*Added skill "9mm Pistol x2" upon reaching lvl 10 - Fire twice at the cost of 2 '9mm rounds' & 1 point of 'END'.

*Added a $300 reward for completing the 'Farm Hand 2' quest. (You will get the reward automatically if you've already completed the quest).

*Adjusted the 'attack' stat gain so that melee is now slightly more effective as Tiffany's level increases.

*Adjusted the hit rates of Tiffany in general & the shotgun in particular should no longer miss.

*Adjusted the 9mm rounds to deal slightly more damage.

*Adjusted the price of the Shotgun & the Armor Repair Kits from George's shop.

*Adjusted the HP of the Alpha zombie so it is a bit easier to kill.

*Adjusted some of the loot found in various areas.

*Vanessa will now automatically craft the maximum amount of 'Armor Repair Kits' possible from the available materials in the player's inventory in one go.

*Fixed a bug where the game could crash when Tiffany was attacked whilst changing the battery in her Flashlight.

*Fixed a bug where zombies in the club (Casino-F1) would accidentally become ghosts (~SPOOKY!~) after battling them.

*Fixed some typos other small bugs.

*Updated the "Progress" percentage stat to account for the new content. (Might be broken in existing saves, but will fix itself when starting the casino quest)

*Updated the credits section.


v0.07 - BETA


*Added the next section of the main story. Talk with Terry to continue. (New characters, Areas & 2 gameplay paths - each with an optional sex scene).

*Added 2 new enemies (Female Zombie & Alpha Zombie) & the Alpha Zombie combat sex scene - The Fem Zombie scene is incomplete & will be added in the full version).

- Note: (Female Zombies will be dispersed throughout previous maps in a later version).

*Added an optional handjob scene to the quest "A Helping Hand" (Will be viewable for those who have already completed the quest in the full version).

*Added an option to repair multiple 'Armor Pieces' at once if you have enough 'Armor Repair Kits'.

*Added an option to disable the screen shake effect during sex scenes (Key Item - Screen Shake Toggle).

*Added skill "Melee x2" upon reaching lvl 5 - Melee attack twice at the cost of 1 point of Endurance ('END').

*Added rare 'MRE' food item & slightly reduced the value & effectiveness of 'Energy Bars'.

*Futa content is now enabled by default when starting a new game. You can still disable it if you want using the 'Toggle Fetish Content' Key Item.

*Fixed a bug where END that was being restored during combat wasn't being taken into account when calculating if Tiffany had enough END to resist when overpowered.

*Fixed a bug where submitting while wearing at least 1 'Armor Piece' could then cause future enemies to attempt to strip Tiffany when she was already naked.

*Fixed a bug where the 'Submissions' stat was only being tracked when submitting while fully dressed.

*Fixed some bugs with George's scene where Tiffany would have the incorrect number of 'Armor Pieces' repaired after waking up, and where enemies encountered after would not recognise when she was naked.

*Fixed some typos and other small bugs.




A game-breaking bug has been identified with one of the variations of the Debra scene... Fixing it now, will re upload.


The game has been patched and re uploaded. Sorry for the inconvenience.


Woah, finally !!! Can't wait to try it !!!! You desrve a break after this, i guess it was way more stressfull than you first tought ^^


The only stressful part is when I promise a release and then end up totally overshooting it. I am excited to work on v0.08 though will start development on it next week. In the meantime I will take care of other things like polls, comics, DNA, podcasts, posting on my blog and social media, and planning etc.


There is a bug in Jebadiah's house, before I returned the cow outfit I was level 8, afterwards I'm level 1 again. If you need it, I can provide a savegame.


Yes thanks, another player identified this bug. I think it only happens if Tiffany is naked before hand. I will fix it.


Sorry, just confirmed that the level reset bug only happens if Tiffany is naked when entering Jeb's house. I will fix it in the next version. For now, just use an armor repair kit to give her something to wear before entering his house and your level should be retained.


3the vip room with like 20000000000 fuckin zombie's is like the most irritating thing ever I swear to god


Omfg i never thought i want balance in a fucking porn game. The casino shit is so next to impossible, its having a picnic with it. I played both routes. Im sure some beat but i believe there some who went through some bs like i did.If the zombies trap u in a spot ur fucked. U have a battery mechanic that runs out. I could looked pass it if i gotton more batteries than fucking pregency pills. When zombies trap me i have to kill them bc if i get raped or escape battle i go into other battles bc they all there. There usually always a double dick and a futa so i couldnt fucking progress.why? Bc even if u had a lot of armor its luck based. Its so fucking stupid. I barelyget bullets either so i had to conserve but i fucking camt bc there are 1million fucking zombies! And they decide to be fucking god tier. In that case i need faster and more meaningful level ups. Bc almost all the time they keep from escaping but whatever but if im trapped with multiple i had to try to cut smaller zombies who either undress or fuck on 1st try,mean whole they dodge my fucking bullets or cuts. THAT GOES for the futa and double dick the most. Even if i used my knife on them. It does shit damage so i was stuck wasting fucking ammo on them bc they fucking dogde, i miss, or they fuck me 1st fucking turn after i hit. I wouldnt fucking mind it if they fucking kept their same health after they rape me. Its too fucking difficult. Then on the basement side when killing after knowing at that point u have no armor and getting lucky enough to get a finger. IT DOESNT FUCKING WORK SO U STUCK GETTING LUCKY AGAIN.then after having a battery run time mechanic u had a nerve, in a big ass dark ass area, with 50% chance of getting batteries 75% chance of getting trapped between a 100 zoms and getting infinite raped bc this game sucks at dropping anything fucking important like armor and bullets. To add fucking puzzles like wtf is that. and Why tf is the futa and double so fucking strong against regular attacks if and more proned to to dodge and cause me too miss and waste bullets if im not gonna get strong. We something. Its 2 fucking hard. TOOO FUCKING HARD. Irritating as fuck. I have more to say its so hard.omfg. the whole casino shit is almost if not definitely broken. I had to get this out. Im srry i love this game but it was too fucking annoying. I literally rather play jump force.


Come on man, that's going a bit far don't you think? How you gonna go comparing TD to Jump Force like that? What did I ever do to you?


In all seriousness. The Casino section is definitely possible. There are plenty of opportunities to loot batteries from sparkling (and non sparkling) containers. And sure, there's not much ammo on the inside, but the game gives you a chance to go to George's shop and stock up on ammo (or even purchase the shotgun) before you proceed. Yes, eventually you might be put in a position where you become surrounded. but only if you managed to put yourself in that position in the first place. It's quite easy to run past most encounters, and with enough armor repair kits you should be able to take most infected down. You do raise a fair point about infected restoring their HP in between fights. This is just how the engine works. If I get some time though, I will see if I can change it, but really it shouldn't be giving you this much trouble.


Im sorry man. Im was super frustrated with the update. I was going to be professional but the rage decided no fuck that im writing this. Mah bad. I really do love this game. U did nothing its a beta.ur trying. But still.....i didnt feel like throwing my phone so.


Thats the thing it is. I didnt put my self in that position. That spawnwd their the moment i needed a finger or it is was bad timing of those walking zombies. Its easy i do give u that. But not too easy. I play on phone but thats not the issue.they randomly dodge my shit or and sometimes immediately after unclothe me. Consecutively. In 1 fight. Its nearly impossible if u in that and trapped and 4 some reasom unable to escape. It feels like a luck base game more than intend 4me. Trust i thoight the same i was really confused y i was having trouble. Lol im serious man. If i had footage u see it was like a built in legend difficulty i swear lmao


There really isn't that much luck built in to things like dodges and misses. You must have gotten uber unlucky. But even then, if you prepare and loot everything you need, it should be a breeze.


I feel you man. Gave up 3 times in the basement already. The game was absolute fun until the casino. Now I can't bring myself to give it another try.


EDIT: Lol, whoops. I never tagged this post as a "Release"...


I really love this game! ^^ There is one thing I don't really like and that's the strip club/dance floor area of the Casino if you choose the path of going to the roof. I did the route where you go to turn on the generator first and decided to do the other path in a second run. My main reason for doing that was to see if there would be a sex scene between Terry and the well hung Futa woman, primarily because she's hot. If there isn't one, then that should be added into the game in the next update. Back on topic, the dance floor area was hard because I had zero clue on how to get passed it. It took me a while before I figured that I should kill all the zombies and maybe that would unlock a boss fight, but I gave up once there was only one zombie left because it was a Double Dick zombie, I was out of bullets, and I was naked and out of stamina so just one hit from him would be a instant defeat. Outside of the Roof Path, the game is fun. ^^ Also, as a sidenote, Tiffany has similar facial features to the help desk lady from the online game, Up The Wazoo. (It's a porn game where the player dicks around with a help desk lady with the use of interactive file tools.) Just I observation I noticed while playing. Anyway, keep up the great work. ^^


Hey, thanks for the feedback. Glad you're enjoying the game for the most part. I've had a number of people complain about the difficulty of that section so perhaps I will tweak it a bit in the next update. Though if you go in prepared, or even just use all of the items and ammo available in that club area you should be able to take everything down. Maybe just replacing the double dick zombie might be the best option there, though my intent was to give some variety. In all honestly, once I add the ability to do "take downs" post sex, it will probably remove this kind of issue.


Hey, I received email notifications of your responses, but can't find them here. Posts occasionally tend to vanish sometimes. In any case, glad you were able to get past it. In the end, I decided I would just slightly adjust the difficulty for the next release by adding some more ammo/supplies in that area to make it less difficult. But it's around the difficulty that I'm happy with anyway. There is of course George at his gun shop to purchase ammo from. The idea being that supplies are scarce and you may have to trade some of the items you don't need right now to afford more ammo. But it will all be better balanced over time. The game engine is RPG Maker MV, so a lot of the similarities you point out are due to the game engine's default offerings, so I can't take too much credit for that side of things. You'll find a lot of similarities with other RPGM games out there, though I believe I'm trying to do some unique things though. And yes, resident evil (among other things) is a source of inspiration. The fates of the Casino characters have been set in stone for a while now, you'll have to play the next version to see how things turn out in conjunction with decisions made during v0.07.


Where I can get the beast content? There are no longer available download link


Both links are still up. Read the section "NOTE REGARDING ADDITIONAL CONTENT"


when download the file have a error (sorry for the bad inglish im from argentina)


What kind of error? What does it say? Try extracting with “winrar” or “7zip”.


Its asking for a password. where can i find it?