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I will update the following percentages as I make progress:

  • Rendering: 95%
  • Render Editing: 35%
  • Level Design: 100%
  • Feature Implementation: 100%
  • Quest Implementation: 75%
  • Sex Scene Implementation: 10%
  • Testing: 55%
  • Stress & Anxiety: 80%


  • Bold = Updated since last edit.
  • Underline = Finished.

Hey all,

This type of post here on Patreon is long overdue. This Beta is long overdue. This entire version is long overdue.

I have been posting some smaller progress updates on the discord server though. So I will probably just update this post from now on like I usually do, but might still post there for those who were following. Anyway, Don't really want to waste time on some long-winded post right now, but I will try my best to get this Beta out to $10 patrons as soon as I can. I think it would be unrealistic to get the full version out by the end of the month at this point. But I will try my best since I want to put some content out there for the $5 patrons as well who have been waiting just as patiently. Right now the focus is the Beta. I will make a separate post to track the progress of the full release afterwards.

I appreciate that there has been next to 0 content posted here lately but I've been stuck on this version for more than a month longer than I thought I'd be (in part due to 2 separate medical issues that turned out to be nothing at all) so it can't really be helped unless I want that to take even longer, which I do not. I am very excited about the content I've been polishing for this version, but I really just want to move on to the next version at this point. I will have a bunch of posts soon after I wrap work up on v0.07 though, but for now, I need to remain focused on the releases.

Here are some previews I posted on discord in case you haven't seen them yet:

Also, $1 & $5 patrons can now access this 2D commission post here. The next commision piece will also be done by the same artist "GrownUpJizz" and will feature Sydney & a Zorse ;) Will have to post it over on Discord when it is done, but will let you guys know of course.

Thank you so much for all of your patience & support. It really means the world to me with how understanding you guys have all always been.




Best stat is by far the stress and anxiety haha hope that one goes down insted of up asap!


Haha. Thanks, this helps, but it will continue to go up as I approach the end of the month. The only cure is a successful release and posting plenty of Patreon content to ease my conscious.


Update #1: Made good progress today, should finish up the last of Quest implementation and all of the testing for the game side of things tomorrow if all goes well.


Update #2: All the new content should be playable from start to finish. I also fixed a couple extra bugs I had on my to-do list. I say "should" since I still need to test all the work I did over the last 2 days, I'll do that when I wake up. Then I can move onto the other remaining tasks. They shouldn't take as long.


Wow, relax dude !!! By seeing your stress stats, its seems like you're almost making a burnout ! Yeah, of course you've got a lot to do and you want to publish it as soon as possible, and a bunch of people are waiting for you (freaking amazing work you're doing here, let me tell you !); but you're human too, and it's hard to acomplish good work when you're this stressed. Maybe take a little break, at least after finishing this vesrion, you really deserve it ! I really love your work and i hope to see it really soon, but yeah, i guess we can way a days or two more if this allows you to cool down a bit ! Anyway, thanks for your devotion, but take some time for you too ;)


No, no I think you got the wrong idea, haha. That's why I said it wasn't as funny upon reflection. It's just my sense of humor. The "stress/anxiety" reference is more in relation to my perfectionism & increasing doubt that the pathed gameplay segments I've been spending extra dev time on will actually be worth it in the short-run, when it's main purpose is add more substance to an aspect of the game that has been rather lacking in previous updates, where as I could have just pumped out a bunch more sex scenes instead to satisfy people in the shorterm. Anyway, it was mostly just self-deprecating humor/acknowledgment of how shitty this wait has been. Anyway, like I thought, it wasn't obvious what I meant so I'll just get rid of it. But thanks, I appreciate the support in any case.


Update #3: Play-tested a bunch and it's looking good. The new content at least, idk if I broke anything... There's a couple things left on my checklist to test & 2 bugs to fix, and then the final 20% of testing will be testing of the sex scenes themselves when they're implemented. I also rendered 7 images for the Alpha Zombie scene today, I will render the final 6 (including variations) tomorrow and get to work editing the images as fast as I can. Yeah, I ended up doing more images for the alpha zombie combat scene than was originally planed... But that just makes the scene better in the end so I guess that's acceptable. Though it is a bit of a shame you can only see it on the nichest path and it will need to be redone very soon for Tiffany's new body in v0.08.


Okay, splendid !!! Well, no problem man !!! Really hope to see the next version then :D


At first I thought you were adding a stress system to the game where the mc could have a breakdown and do something along the lines of raping the zombies or something. Then I realized it was a joke stat and laughed a bit. Honestly I think it would have been funny if you put the stat at over 9k then post the very next day it at 50 followed by it dropping to -9k. Extreme lvl changes probably would have been funny. Either way I enjoyed the fact that while you are stressed (as minor or as major it might be) you took the time to joke with us while still working. LOVE this game and can't wait for more.


Yeah, that was the plan, but in the end I got less stressed and it was just confusing people who thought I was in trouble or something.


Update #4: There were a few more broken things than I expected when play testing the alternate paths/choices. But they should all be fixed now. Renders are all done. Got a few more edited but still a ways to go. Will probably finish implementing each scene as I finish editing all of the images for it. Sorry, it looks like I'm still going to be about 2 days of work.


Update #5: Forgot to update this before sleeping last night. The hand-job scene with Terry & Tiffany is 100% edited, implemented and tested. It turned out nicely even if it is just a minor/short scene. Even put in a different piece of music for the scene. I wanted the more "romantic" scenes to feel a little different from the scenes where Tiffany is having sex with something she probably shouldn't be, which is, you know, every other scene... ;) You'll get access to the scene when turning in the "A Helping Hand" quest where you get Terry those "electronic scraps". For the Beta, if you want to see the scene you'll need a save file where you haven't completed the quest yet. For the full version, I'll make it so that you can view the scene after completing the quest when talking to terry back at the pharmacy. Probably will finish the alpha zombie scene (at least) before the end of the day.


Update #6: The combat sex scene with the Alpha Zombie is now 100% edited, implemented and tested as well. I'm really proud of how it turned out. Just two scenes left to finish and the Beta will be ready. If not tomorrow, then definitely the day after.


Update #7: Just got to put Andre's scene in now. Should be about 5-6 hours until the beta is finally ready.


Update #8: Everything should be done. I'm just doing a couple quick test runs to make sure nothing crazy got broken. ETA is about 1 Hour or so.


Update #9: Exporting and uploading. Will post beta for $10 patrons as soon as it's up. I will discuss the full release plans with $5 patrons in a post tomorrow.