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Hi. So this poll is for everyone in the $5 & $10 tier to vote on, but obviously the weekly comic itself will be posted only for patrons in the $10 tier. The reason I'm opening it up to $5 patrons is because I know that many of you have been $10 patrons at some point and edit your pledges occasionally, so this decision might affect you. And also since weekly pages from the comic series of your choice might make you swap to the Special Forces tier if it's something you're interested in seeing so I figured you guys should get a vote as well.

If you don't have any idea of what I'm talking about, I'd suggest checking out this closed poll that $5 patrons can now access to view the post and the poll results for context. Despite the fact that the "nothing" option won that poll, most people who picked it, also picked one of the comic options so I figured I would go ahead with a weekly comic page. The only question is which one? So that's what the purpose of this poll is. I'm going to narrow the options down to three, give you all a brief pitch for each of them, and then everyone gets one vote.

Then, after v0.07 is fully released, the winning option will get one comic page per week.

Anyway, here are the Three Options:

OIL Chapter 2:
This option is the simplest to explain. With this option I'll continue creating pages of Chapter 2 of the ongoing comic series Our Intergalactic Lovers (OIL). There are already 12 pages posted for chapter 2, but about 40 more before the end of the second chapter. Still to come in the second chapter is a lengthy sex scene in which the protagonist (Ridori Maho) will have her proportions increased/enhanced in a similar fashion to what will happen to Tiffany during the events of v0.07

Terminal Desires Comic:
This will be a spin-off comic directly tying into the events of the Terminal Desires Game. It will focus on a new female character (To be briefly introduced in v0.08) who works as the Police Chief in Hardwood City (The city where Tiffany & Terry were dispatched from). She will be an important companion character that Tiffany will re-unite with in Act 2 of the game after escaping the walls of Ashton Lake. Of course, this character will be an incredibly busty woman (comparable to Tiffany's new proportions) in a sexy police themed uniform. And as Chief of Police she's also more of an authority figure than someone like Tiffany.
Since we won't properly meet this police chief character in game until the second act (Well over a year away in terms of IRL development time), this comic will take place between when Tiffany & Terry are dispatched from the H.C.P.D. and when Tiffany reunites with her boss. It will follow the events of this new character from their perspective and tell the story of what is happening in Hardwood City (The primary location of Act 2) during the time that Tiffany & Terry are in Ashton Lake. Without giving anymore away, it will of course involve all the things you have come to like about TD ;)
^ I'll be honest, while I am down for all three of these options. I'm most excited about developing this one due to the potential of fleshing out the world of TD alongside a future companion girl.

Gremlins Comic:
This one is kind of two potential options rolled into one. For those not familiar with what I mean by "Gremlins Comic" search my blog for Wonder Woman v Gremlins. It was a 2 part comic series I was commissioned a while ago that focused heavily on body corruption and lots of gremlin breeding. It is probably the most popular thing I worked on prior to TD.
The first possibility here would be a continuation, a part 3 to the aforementioned WWvG story that currently exists. Showing how Diana has adapted to her new daily life as a willing gremlin cum dump and breeding sow. It would ofc be all kinds of depraved and take everything one bit further probably...
Alternatively, we could start fresh, with either a new super heroine or another female character entirely (TD Crossover/cameo?) and tell a new story based around that/those characters getting corrupted instead.
So there will probably be a follow up poll if this option wins, but either way. If you've seen part 2 of the gremlins comic you know roughly what to expect ;)

Anyway, choose wisely! :) Of course, once one comic series is finished (I'll do all of these in sizeable "chapters" or "parts".) There will be a re vote to decide what gets worked on next, so this isn't a option we're locked into forever of course. But I will be finishing the winning comic, one page per week at a time, until it's at a logical point of conclusion before moving onto any other projects.

Also, I'll continue uploading DNA chapters at least 1 per week since I'm only editing and I can manage 1 per week. But I'm probably not going to work on any more images for that, at least for a while anyway.

Thanks for all your feedback & Support. If you have any further questions regarding these ideas just ask me in the comments below and I'll do my best to answer.

~ Jim



Alright, sorry about that. No Idea why it didn't include the poll options the first time, so I've re-posted it and it seems to be working now. Weird...


I'd be down for some more Gremlins


I'd love to see how the gremlins try to corrupt powergirl it would be amazing if you draw powergirl


BTW dude if Gremlins wins will u upgrade WW model


Well, the WW model already works with my current workflow since it is still fairly recent. I'd probably add better nipples but that's kind of it. In anycase, if she needs bigger assets, the gremlins would give them to her... :)


Eh, guess I'm one of the few who'd like OIL to continue, so we can alternate between sexy SF and sexy zombie horror. Still, "Meanwhile, in another part of the forest..." sounds interesting.


Oooh, you're most excited about the TD thing? That's great to hear actually. I was figuring you'd be more interested in a change of pace, but I'm all-in on TD content, especially if it stars a character like how you're describing that police chief.


Don't worry, OIL will be continued some day. Just not right now. And if you didn't check the updated pitch, it's going to be more like "Meanwhile, back at the city..." ;)


Well, it's more TD, but its also something quite different to how I'd work on TD. Plus, like I mentioned, it's a great opportunity to better flesh out a future character.