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Hey everyone,

This is probably going to be a short one because I have to get to sleep so I can get up and keep working, but I need to post this since it's been too long. Another issue is that I'm currently at the point in the update where I'm running out of images that I don't consider spoilers so I had to wait until I'd finished some renders that didn't ruin anything. But anyway, before getting too deep I want to talk about the release "time-frame", because I still can't pinpoint a date yet. There is still a lot left to do.

I was hoping I'd at least be able to get a BETA out for $10 patrons by the 31st, and while I'm still attempting to do that (I finished my last shift at my crappy night-shift job early Friday Morning) since I have nothing to get in the way of TD anymore. But if I'm being realistic and consider my track record at previous releases, I think It would be pretty irresponsible to assume I will get it done by then. If I had to guess at this point. I'm about 5-6 days away from releasing a playable (but not complete) v0.07 BETA for $10 patrons (Which I will actually need gameplay related feedback on.) And 11-12 days away from the full v0.07 release for $5+ patrons.

Sorry for this bad news. Again, I will still try to get things out as soon as possible. But it's worthless to release something rushed and broken if it could be done properly with an additional day or two. I also want to take my time for the "body proportions increase" scene since I want it to be special, and not rushed. It might have been fine it it wasn't for that false flags medical issue that wasted a week of my time...

In slightly better news, v0.08 should not take nearly as long as v0.07 since I can now dedicate basically every day to TD with no interruptions. I've gotten heaps done in the last 2 days since I've been free so I'm excited to see what I can get done on a "per month" basis from now on. I would love to be able to get small releases to you guys every month if possible and only take two months for big ones like v0.07.

Anyway, like I said, not a heap of images this week. But showing off a bit from some of the sex scenes I haven't shown yet. The ones featuring Andre and Kiana which I'm working on right now.

^ Looks like Tiffany's in for some huge cocks and rough sex this version... So, the usual ;)

On the gameplay side of things. All of the level and puzzle design for the casino section is done and playable, but I still need to add all of the enemies, loot and dialogue sequences, quest checks, etc, And finish the new scenes of course. But I've already had a lot of fun running through the different casino paths already just by themselves. Cool to have some interesting content on the gameplay side in this version. But there's not a whole lot of point in showing screenshots from maps if it's just going to be 2D locations. You'll get to experience the areas for yourself soon enough anyway.

Now, some updates for $1 & $5 patrons with the recent 2D commissions:

Everyone can now access this post to download the image (Along with a nude version). Art by Crisisbeat.

And also, I just got in this pinup piece that Flowerxl did for Lara, today:

$10 patrons have early access to nude and extra clothing variations in this post. I will release them all for other patrons next week.

Flowerxl is going to start work on another commission piece very soon. I've just got in contact with another great artist who I'm excited to work with. There are 2 pieces from one other artist that should be done this week as well. And of course that one commission that's taken months featuring George and Sydney. I will have to follow up with that guy again on that soon...

That's all for this week guys. Sorry there's not been a lot of polls or discussions recently, so much of the next 2 versions is decided there isn't a lot I can think of to ask you all right now. There should be a beta out for $10 patrons by this time next week. And then the full release roughly a week after that. I will post the "Special Forces Sneak Peek" after I wake up. There will also be a new DNA chapter for $5 patrons on Monday, along with two images accompanying that. Alright, see you next week.

^ . . . ;)

Thanks for all your support and patience. Things should be looking up from now on.

~ Jim




Damn that looks great. André will have a lot of fun as it seems. :) That really looks like a big release. I am excited. And patiened. ;)


Thx for the update! Damn all of that looks great... This dry spell of 2 months was quite the torture but from what I've seen so far I am sure it will be worth it =D


You got some great images. It is all worth the wait


Thanks guys, I really appreciate it. It should be a great update. But I'm really hoping to follow it up with v0.08 not too long after. But I guess we'll just have to see what's possible.