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Hi everyone,

Hope you all had a good weekend! I've got a bunch of previews to show off. As always make sure to check the discord server for a couple of extras ;) The special forces "sneak peek" will be posted over there as well.

Right, to start us off, here are some more previews from the Vanessa and Dr. Milburn scene:

^Always make sure to take a does of 'FertiliMax' before copulation... Oh look, captive Hitomi is there too ;)

Right, now that I've buttered you up a bit, it's time for a bit of bad news, which could be good news depending on how you slice it. In regards to a release date, I'm fairly sure I won't be releasing v0.06 before the end of April. I just wanted you guys to be fully aware that a full release is unlikely at this point, and it would be wrong of me to not temper your expectations despite how much I will try to make it in time. What is likely is that a beta version will be ready for the $10 patrons before the end of the month, followed by the full release for $5+ patrons several days later during the first week of May. This is my current plan at least.

I still need about 2 more days to finish renders. I spent a few days last week working on the game parts itself instead, so there isn't so much left to do at the last minute this time. But something always comes up and things I never planned on, etc. So I'm factoring in several extra days just to deal with whatever happens to be holding things up when I get there.

And for the $10 patrons, I also won't be posting OIL pages this week, though I'll have some more polls up instead with regards to v0.07 content. I will do an extra week of double pages when I get back to it. I just need to prioritize TD right now like I anticipated. The novel project will also have to wait, as I don't have time to do up a nice cover for it right now, and I still want to do at least that much before we start publishing chapters from it.

And one last bit of unfortunate news. In order to avoid delays, I'll be cutting the Debra and Terry blowjob scene from v0.06. This is also because I wanted to extend it into a proper impregnation scene and doing so would really cause a delay. So in order to make that scene better (and avoid v0.06 delays), I'll be releasing it in v0.07 instead, alongside the casino content.

Instead of the Debra and Terry scene, I've added a new zombie enemy type instead with a combat sex scene for Tiffany. For those who haven't seen him yet, introducing the Sewer Zombie:

^Yuck :P

You can encounter a few of them inside one of the new areas being opened up in the east side of town. He's the toughest solo enemy to kill yet, so keep your shotgun loaded (or Tiffany's pussy wet!).

^Made an edit to their 2D sprites so you can easily tell which ones are the sewer zombies

A few of the special forces patrons (who got a sneak peek at his design), thought he was a little too gross looking for their tastes. So what happens if you do manage to get caught, lose to one of them, but don't want to see their sex scene? Well, I've finally added the ability skip combat sex scenes, so now you won't have view any of the repeated combat sex scenes if you don't want to:

^I should have added this ages ago, it will especially help cut down on play testing times.

You can skip the scenes and you will still get sex stats recorded, milk production, cum drunk, ovum damage, etc. For now it's just for the combat sex scenes. In the future I might look into adding a skip function to the story scenes as well for those who want to speedrun or maintain multiple save files easier.It's just a bit more complicated with the way I implemented the story scenes vs the combat scenes.

So let's view a part of the Sewer Zombie scene:

^Had some fun posing this one ;) - renders for it are already done.

Right, that's all for the new previews here, but remember to check the discord for previews from Jasper's scenes. ;)

So in other news, since last week, I've got in touch with five 2D artists. I've reserved commission slots for the month of May with three of them. And 2 others are working on the final colored versions now. I've seen rough sketches and they're looking pretty good. One is a light bondage pinup with Tiffany, and the other is an impregnation scene between George and Sydney, in commemoration of the runner up patron submission from the poll earlier in the month. :) So look forward to those sometime soon, probably by next week's update.

For now, here's a quick pinup commission by the artist Haarmades for the patrons who haven't seen it yet:

You can view the Nude version and download the full HD copies at the post below that has been made available to all patrons now:

That's all for now. I might record a short podcast if I get the time in between work, but perhaps not. I will put up a discussion for $5+ patrons after this update about some content for v0.07.

Thanks for all your support and patience.

~ Jim



I like the new zombie. TIFFANY saying "please don't" but still presenting the goods. 🤔


Well, that's the non-slut dialogue. She's reluctant, but she knows she doesn't have a choice. She knows what it means to lose, like it or not. ;)


Hihi that's true. Poor Tiffany has to sacrifice for the greater good. 🤣 Don't worry for the delay. So far each version delayed was totally worth the patience. 👍


Thanks. I will still try to get it done sooner. But at this point, I know better than to make promises like that.


On a side note, is there supposed to be a difference between the sprites for double-dick zombies and the "basic" zombie? I can't tell, and since the former is tougher to kill (and resist) it seems a desirable feature. (Maybe we need a "Jim's Book of Zombie Sprites" for reference.)

Nikolay Donets

In wich version will be added combat sex scenes for Debra?


Yeah, I'll try and do something for it. I could duplicate the tiny penis part, but it'd still be kind of hard to tell. I'll see what I can do, but for now they are the same.


Later, probably in v0.12 or something. Ali will be the first companion with full combat sex scenes in v0.11.