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Hey guys, one final Futa related poll for now, check out the previous ones here:

The question here is, What happens when a Futa woman encounters a male zombie?

I am unsure if they should be treated as male or female in this case. The general rule is Men get eaten by zombies, and women get fucked by zombies. Even when encountering female zombies, the female zombie will attempt to fuck the man while having a bit of nibble on him :) Yet regardless of the zombie's gender, they'll never bite/eat/kill any women. They infect them purely through sex.

Keep in mind that Futa women (Futa Zombies included) don't have female genitalia, just a cock and balls.

So, Would a male zombie try to fuck a Futa woman? Or would they treat them as men, and just try to eat/kill them?

You can see the potential conundrum...

Thanks for you input,

~ Jim



Even if they dont have a Pu.... , they still have a perfectly functioning a...hole. And i think Zombies are pretty stupid so they wouldn´t even notice the difference anyway, right ?


Obviously, the male zombie's rudimentary pattern recognition instincts would equate tits with woman, and go for whatever hole is available.


Yeah that checks out. It's just important since it will determine dialogue when meeting the new character in v0.07, and also if they still get fucked than I can have Futa characters as companions without it messing up flow when they get defeated.


Will there be any chance of futa later on having both sets of genitalia?


Yes, I might make some non-infected Futa woman have a vagina instead of balls. I’ll look into it. At the time of making the Futa zombie, I had to chose between vagina or balls and patrons voted for balls so that’s what they haven for now. But I’d like to do that, at least for a few of the characters.