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Alright, here are the next 2 OIL pages. Two more weeks of double pages after this to catch up. Hopefully it won't get in the way of TD. If it does, we'll just do more catch up weeks later since TD will always comes first.

^As always, I've uploaded the full size images and text-less versions as attachments to this post.

Ouch! Note to self: Don't fuck Procella. No matter how good her sweet, sticky, jelly insides feel while extracting your semen... RIP Stevenson, you weren't even named in the story, you left us too soon. :)

So Lord Zerka is approaching... If you recall the first page of chapter 1 then you have a pretty good idea of where we're headed, but we still have quite a ways to go before we get there. Back to Ridori next week.

Btw, for anyone who cares, we forgot to add the time during Fenella's scene. It was 12:00am when we checked in on her. When Chapter 2 is done, there will be a compiled version that will have some small fixes to things we missed.

Make sure to follow Camille, from Seishi who writes and letters OIL for me.

Thanks for all your support!Heard back from several artists now in regards to commissions, so that seems to be coming along well for now. Still busy with TD renders. I'll put up a few small polls in relation to future futa content for TD sometime tomorrow.

~ Jim




I agree wholeheartedly with Zerka: First you have to clean up young Lady. Even though from a purely objective POV... I would like to see some action with those two so I am not sure if my zeal for a clean spaceship would be as adamant as his when Procella were to sit on my lap...


Procella seems to be a bit... translucent. This could be interesting.


Well, there's a whole space station filled with human females to sample up ahead. So he's not as interested in her right now ;) We'll see more of her though.


Yep, she's from some kind of Jelly-like species. Makes quite a bit of mess, but they can mold themselves to their partner's genitals and keep their insides jiggling/gyrating for maximum stimulation. Procella's a bit of a loose cannon though and doesn't really care for weak partners who can't handle her.