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Hey guys, now that all the content for v0.05 is out there, I just wanted to take this chance to get some feedback on some things. So leave a comment below if you want to share your opinion. I want to know what people would like to see more of, or if there are things they really want to see that still aren't in the game yet so I can keep that in mind as I decide on new content for the upcoming versions.

So, 1. What's your favorite scene or game feature so far?

2. What type of scene or game feature are you most excited for/hoping to see?

Thanks for any responses I get. I want to make sure I understand what people like and what they want to see. :)

~ Jim



I would say I have a small list of things I like: 1. Alternative paths - how one decision could effect the game state later on. 2. I enjoy choosing how much you like, or don't like, a particular genre/type to cater the game to the player. 3. My favorite scene(s) would be centered around the concept of the forced/unconsentual on the basis of the game (Vanessa's intro/Debra's intro). I hope to see more of my number 3, but also going to the next step and letting the zombies capture someone (fingers crossed for Vanessa) - possible "mind break" fetish opportunity.


Also the interaction with the first male was really good, imho. You see it in zombie movies all the time how someone bitten changes and then takes someone - first time I experienced this in a game and thought it was well done.


I like how detailed the pregnant system is. and I am looking forward to being able to sleep and fast forward the days.

H. M.

The dialoge is everything !!

H. M.

tiffanny begging to be used and breed is awesome... the same would go for the other girls, maybe no consenting but realising they are about to be impregnated and either Finally consenting to the breeding or not depending on their sluttishness


The other girls will have a corruption system, and will change over time, have specific fetishes that "trigger" them the most, etc. Some girls will be sluttier than others by nature. :)


Thanks, and yes obvious that aspect of the game is something that will get better over time as I can add more content. I'm also excited about getting to that point.


I really like the impregnation in the game. There are not a lot of games out there with an impregnation system. I'm excited to see how you will develop the feature. What I look most forward too is how you will include the babies in the games.


1. I have to say the best scene so far is the Magnum scene. The amount of TLC in that scene is great. She just wants to help. ;) 2. I'm just hoping for more girls with lots of variety. You might have seen the "list " of stuff on discord. :D One thing that I think is missing is more non-infected males that still wants to get down and dirty. Nothing against the "ugly" guys that you already have in the game, but more like Dr. Milburn please :P


How about adding more dirty talk with the scenes. And would mind seeing more beasts content


Favorite so far: Tiffany with the three zombies Sydney "introduced" to her. Anticipated: the giant zombie


Yes, it will be challenging but I'm looking forward to it as well. There will have to be a nursery section added to the pharmacy or perhaps another building/safezone where the kids can be raised while Tiffany and other girls are out adventuring and breeding some more :). I'd also like to have the grow up quickly and become characters themselves, but that particular part will be really hard due to all the possible variations in who the father could be etc, so that part will have to be a late/endgame feature probably, but I definitely want to do some fun things with that.


1. Thanks I delayed that one so I could have the time to make that one extra special I'm glad it payed off and a lot of people liked it. I want to do some more in depth scenes every now and then like that, but first I need to make sure I nail my scheduling issues first so they don't get in the way of development. 2. Definitely more girls coming. Look forward to Ali's group of survivors. And there will be more traditionally good looking guys coming as well. Terry will even get some action in v0.06 ;)


Yes, I'll be adding some extra dirty talking in with the v0.05a patch. Sometimes when I'm running out of time and have to release, I don't do different dialogues for the different paths (like slut/nonslut/loves being bred, etc). So I'll be adding a bit more of that to the new v0.05 scenes with the update. And there will be plenty more of that content, including different types of beasts, in future versions.


Ah, I see you're a man of culture too. ;) Lots of fun stuff coming with Sydney's "pets" in future versions.


hmmm favorite scene ? dunno to many good scene´s In terms of features ? maybe something about having to much cum in her belly when she gets a..fu..? so if its the first time the belly is just bulging a little, the second time its more visible, you know where this is going. Could tie in with pregnancy belly ? And she gets rid of it by going to the toilet or if she is slutty enough just right on the street. But i realize it would be soo much work to implement that (picture wise). Anyway great work keep going ;)


I love the beast content and especially not shying away from their sizes. Huge deepthroat and insertions are awesome. I'd love to see some cum collecting/drinking too at some point. The pregnancy system is also very appealing


i dunno man all scenes are great but i gotta admit the unique sex scenes are awesome like the ones for robert , george ,jebadiah and the noninfected horses were the shit cant wait to see more of jebadiah and george and ofc big barney


Yes, something along those lines is probably a good idea. Right now, after a cumflation scene it just disappears. But maybe I could add some extra images showing the deflation, idk. Something like this might be easier to add in the future when I don't need to spend the time adding more important images. But I agree that it's currently a bit too jarring of a transition .


Hehe, that one will be one of the larger branching options I have planned. Stay tuned ;P


Thanks, it's glad to see so many are fans of the large insertions. Was a bit scared I would scare everyone off! Glad to know my patrons think alike. :) As for cum collecting and drinking I actually have a planned side quest(s) for that very fetish in my future plans... Hopefully sooner rather than later :)


Thanks man, I put a lot of effort into those full scenes so I'm glad people like them. As for Barney, I don't think I've done a good job yet of showing just how 'Big' he really is ;)


Would you be doing a poll to see about adding other fetish’s


Hmmm, it’s a tough one. I’m going to be adding basically every fetish I’m interested in at some point or another, but there are also probably some fetishes I won’t add if I don’t like them. So I guess it really depends on what people have in mind. People are free to suggest things they would like to see and I can consider them.


Love Tiffany titfucking Long John the most! And all the titfucking / blowjob scenes. Huge tits and huge dicks are the best pal! Maybe Debra and Tiffany can give Big Barney's huge dick a DOUBLE TITFUCK!!!


Oh, I'm sure they will in the future. Some of the funnest scenes will be group scenes in future versions where you can take a girl as a companion and visit the farms or other areas, etc.


Hey jim I went to your <a href="http://jimjim-renders.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_20.html" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://jimjim-renders.blogspot.com/p/blog-page_20.html</a> Page and down loaded it. I followed your instructions. But I can't get them to merry together. Is there any way you can just put in the versions from now on. you can turn it on and off. If other don't want that. But why are they on here?


@karl kistler they have to be there because of rules dictated by Patreon. Thats why you have to download the renders from a separate link. Normally the structure inside of the archive is matching. Just go to the same location of the original extract and then drag and drop the files onto your pc.