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Hey guys, sorry for the delay on this weekly update post. For those who don't know, I received all of the parts for my second PC earlier in the week so I spent a number of days dealing with setting it up so I could get it's help finishing off the renders for v0.05. Though it took a couple extra days out of my schedule, it seems it really will help me get all of the renders done. However, I'm still quite a bit behind on the gameplay side of things. So what's going to happen?

Well, I promised to get something released on the 28th, so I plan on sticking to that. What I'm going to do is focus on getting all of the sex scenes in and the bare gameplay bits necessary to connect them together. Then I will release a more polished patch a couple of days later with fixes, edits, probably more maps and some more of the minor features I originally promised to add in, since right now the new content takes priority. 

I know a lot of you guys in the past have expressed that you don't mind waiting a couple extra days to get a more polished experience, but I'm also very aware of the fact that there are probably at least a few patrons who pledged this month under the assumption that the new update will be coming out and only intended to pledge for a single month. So I don't want them to get charged twice if they were only intending to get the update and then cancel for a bit. I don't want it to seem like I'm purposefully releasing on the 1st of the month all the time to try and trick people into pledging 2 months worth if they just wanted the new release on time. That's not my intention at all. I should probably move my release dates to the middle of the month to avoid this exact issue. It's my fault once again for time mismanagement. So I really want to make an effort for something playable to come out on the 28th, at least for those people.

Anyway, I hope that explains my thinking a bit. I'll let you know about the state of v0.05 when it releases so you can make an informed decision about whether to wait for a patch or not.

These next few versions should go more smoothly now that I can double my output with  two PC's and render 2 images at once:

And here's a better look at the very first image rendered on the new PC:

^ Someone's in trouble...

Thanks so much again to all you guys for your support over these first few months of this project. I know I say it a lot and it's become basically my 'catchphrase' that I put at the end of every post. But it's the honest truth. I wouldn't be able to afford the time to work on this project, or be able to improve my setup like this if it wasn't for all of you. I'm trying my best to put everything extra I earn back into the game in some form so hopefully it's only going to be bigger and better things from here. 

Speaking of trying to invest more back into the game. You may have noticed that I finally got around to posting a new goal for the Patreon page. We hit all of the others so fast that it took me a while to think of something else that was reasonable. So I figured what I need the most right now is some extra help with the gameplay and level design, since it really takes up a lot of my time during the release stage. If I could hire someone else to take care of it for me, then I can spend more time focusing on the art, scenes and story, and less time making maps... which is fun for me btw, but way too time consuming and not the best use of my limited time. So it'd be really great to be able to bring someone else onboard and compensate them for their time. This will hopefully improve many things about the gameplay itself as well. :)

So yes, I was hoping to finish up all the companion code/backend for Debra this week, but I ended up spending the week on the new PC, new renders and on the new Tiffany base proportions polls for $5+ Patrons. Thanks a lot to everyone who's voted so far. Looks like Tiffany will be getting some hefty upgrades as part of v0.06's story. But it's not too late to have your say. I'll be leaving the polls up until around the 7th of March. 

I will show you guys this though, it's an image from the Double Dick Zombie scene that I showed as a sneak peek for $10 Patrons a few weeks ago:

^ There will be one cock down her mouth, and the other between her tits ;)

There will also be a new screenshot for all patrons to view on the discord server (upcoming-release channel) that I can't post here... Go check it out if you're interested ;)

^Like I said, check the discord for the proper screenshot I wanted to share ;) The map is still WIP.

Finally, there's the surprise new pinup commission from flowerxl:

Unfortunately, I can't post the full thing here since it features her (perhaps not so trusty...) steed, 'Big Barney' in the background... So you'll have to see the full HD image on the Discord server as well (general-discussion channel)!

There's also a nude version as well that $10 Patrons will get access to today (special-forces channel). Everyone else will get it when the release happens in a few more days time :)

Alright, I could keep posting renders, but we're so close to release that it'd basically just spoil the scenes at this point. I wanted to have more gameplay progress to show off instead, but the little I got done isn't really screenshot worthy...

Thanks once again for all your support and patience. I will be posting the release progress report for v0.05 in the next day or so, so you can track my progress towards release on the 28th (USA-ish times). Again, I'm not going to be 100% sure on an ETA. But I'll be trying my hardest to get it out at as reasonable a time before the end of the day as possible. Obviously it's no good releasing if its all broken and has to be fixed anyway!

Oh and apologies once again to the $10 patrons, there's not going to be a beta release with this version either due to lack of time. I will try to get a beta version out for v0.06 for you guys. I know it's a bit of a joke at this point, but I do intend to release beta's at some point when I can get a better handle on my schedule. (Which is hopefully now, now that I have 2 PCs)

~ Jim



Can't wait this might be just me but I don't really care for a beta but that's just me


when is the release?


Just released a new post detailing it. There will be an alpha release on the 28th for $5+ patrons. Then several days later when I can properly polish the full version I will post that for $5+ patrons. Release for $1 patrons is 2 weeks after the initial release for $5+ patrons.