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Alright, thanks to everyone who voted in the first poll here. Looks like for this versions, the main focus will be on farm content. I will be adding some other little things. I plan on adding Robert's brother George, his gun shop, a shotgun weapon, and a special farm outfit for Tiffany as well (but only to wear at the farm, not a normal combat outfit - those will come later) that will have its design voted on by $10 patrons sometime tomorrow.

So I'm kind of satisfying the top 3 results, apart from continuing the Main Quest since that will be its own update. I plan to continue the Main Quest in v0.05 and v0.06. There will still be other content to vote on for those, when we get to it.

For now, this poll is about the v0.04 farm content. I plan on adding 2 new sex scenes related to the farm. There are a lot of possibilities, so these are some generic options to help narrow things down.

What would you like to see for the 2 new, farm-based sex scenes?

You can select multiple options. The highest 2 will win. There will be follow-up discussions and polls if a new beast is chosen.

Thanks for your support. I will leave the poll open for a number of days. $10 Patrons will decide on the positions for the sex scenes, in a later poll.

~ Jim



Loving the way you´ re setting up future content


this is awesome man but is there any chance for the penetration to be balls deep oh and a blowjob on horse or jebadiah will be the bomb


Yeah, if I do another horse scene I'll make it balls deep next time. The pose made it a little hard because of the distance between them + what I wanted to show.


Also, $10 patrons will get to decide on the poses so blowjobs are possible.


Damn all of them seem awesome! =D really difficult to decide^^ I think it is a good sign when a choice is as difficult as this one =) Maybe the pose for horses is easier if their front legs are up something so they don't obstruct the view as much =)


Yes, that was another problem. Hard to find good angle with him in the way. I will do some scenes with props lke tables, bars etc to help with that in the future.


niiiiiice =D=D=D (dont forget about see-through windows she can be pressed against ;)) love it =D


Yep. Just reminded me, can't believe I still havn't done a single tit-fuck scene yet... I'll have to remedy that....


Why you guys voting again for horse content, cause its not infected.....? Just saying :)


I am assuming this is a priority thing, and we will eventually see all this in the game at one point?


yeah, for the most part. Though the game is 99% a zombie game, it's not going to be farm and beast content dominating every singe version. So this is just a good chance to add some extra bonus scenes before jumping back to the main plot for a bit.


I imagine they want to see some nice, consensual scenes with a regular horse! I already have some ideas for a misc quest about it too so that works for me :)


I don't know squat about programming/game creation, but depending on how you code everything you should be able to "insert" content at a later date, right? So that you focus on more locations and story and then you go back and flesh out the older conent.


Yes, it might break save games if I add something completely new that I didn't plan for, but that's not the biggest deal, since it's still an early development game anyway. Well, it wouldn't break save games, but you'd have to restart if you wanted to play the new content added on old days. But, I'm not saying this is the only beast content there is going to be. There will be new farm stuff every in-game day. Its just that the next 2-3 updates after will focus on the other areas/stories/characters. But we'll be returning for extra beast content every now and then.


Maybe you could have a poll about that but if the only reason that complicates a lot of stuff is the savegame breaking than I think most of us don't care about that^^ at least until we are at something like day 10 or so.^^


I don’t need to have a poll about it, because now it’s already my plan :) for example, I plan to open up all of the buildings and closed paths in town eventually. So for now I am focusing on main things, but I will always go back to add/tweak stuff.


I know, but i think it would be better to continue add content on Zombie horse and work more on new beasts. Cause combine 3-4 votes poeple want more to see new beast, infected or not infected, i think it would make more sense. But if they want see again horse fine for me. :)


Unfortunately that’s not true, you can’t combine the votes because people can vote for multiple options.


non zombie horse LETS GOOOOO