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Alright, this is what I'm thinking so far, but it's open to change. Not 100% sure on all of the pieces and colors either. Let me know what you think about this?

The basic idea, is that this will be a unique outfit, that Jebadiah requires Tiffany to change into when working for him at his farm doing non-combat tasks. It will allow us to have some sex scenes with clothing in it since I won't need to track her Armor pieces and make a heap of art variations. Plus, you spend a lot of time looking at Tiffany CG's in the dialogue scenes, so giving her a new outfit and poses will be a nice visual change from the regular pink, micro bikini.

For now I'm just gethering your thoughts, do you like this? What do you think should change. If there's enough contention or good ideas, I might do a poll to decide some things. I would like to replace the collar ring with a cowbell one. But I am liking the combination of: lace pasties, high cut thong, and micro booty shorts. :)

In other news:

I'm leaving the v0.04 content poll open until tomorrow, where I'll decide on the content and post some new polls. You've got time to change your votes if you want. Looks Like it's going to be farm content, this outfit, potentially Robert's brother, his gun shop, a new gun. Atleast 2 sex scenes in there somewhere. That's my thinking for now based on the current results.

Also since tumblr is killing all adult content in a few days, I've started to post on my twitter. You can follow it here if you want: https://twitter.com/Jimjim_3DX

It's going to be an uphill battle to regain my followers again...

Also, for those still not on, there's a lot of discussions and conversations going on over on discord. I post minor status updates for you guys in the 'Special Forces' channel when I'm working on something for you guy, etc. It's just easier for the little posts, than having to make a new blog post every time. I'd recommend joining if you want extra info or an easy way to ask a question.

In a day or so, I'm going to post some bonus stuff for you guys from my other, unreleased render projects to make up for all of the OIL pages I've missed so far. I'm also going to be upgrading Ridori's model like I did with Sydney to give her nicer nipples, and genitals. So I'll post some shots of that in a few days too.

Thanks for your support. Hope you're enjoying v0.03 so far, and are looking forward to more content in v0.04.

~ Jim




Goddamn dude


I like it but what do you think of a more of a 'cowgirl' outfit? With a hat and a combination of a pink top and blue/pink mini-skirt? <a href="https://www.3wishes.com/sexy-costumes/country-girl-costumes/country-fun-outfit/" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.3wishes.com/sexy-costumes/country-girl-costumes/country-fun-outfit/</a> (I know this may not be possible but since it is a special/unique outfit would it be possible to make her a blonde bimbo for this one? Like a wig or something? I think that would fit the idea what Jebedia would want^^)


I think the theme I’m going for is more of a milk’maid one than an actual cow-girl, but that is a nice design as well. I’d have to find all of the pieces though. Sorry, I don’t plan on changing her hair color. Maybe she could let her hair down at some point in the game, but no plans for that right now, just body changes.


Like it so far, is a strapless bikini top possible? the pasties are nice but the cow pattern gets lost with how small they are. doesn't have to be a bikini and can still be really skimpy but something with a bit more surface area or lessen the amount of black dots to make the cow pattern stand out.


you mean something like what Vanessa is now wearing? I see what you mean, the pattern loses it's appeal since it's over such a small area. My thoughts with pasties was that It's easy for Jebadiah to peel them off and have a drink ;) Keep in mind it's an outfit given to her by him, so I'm thinking of his desires primarily. But I guess any skimpy top would also work just as well.

Ari Korpela

This outfit is perfect in my opinion. O_O Maybe some minor changes if more people think its necessary but to me it looks fine as it is.


Love the outfit! Does not need any more changing, if you ask me. I hope we´ ll see Vanessa and her bracelet more in the future months! :)


Thanks for the feedback guys, I’ll come up with an alternate design tomorrow featuring some of the things suggested, and then let you guys vote between the two options.


can you make more Beast Options? Like more Zombiehorses/ ZombieCows / ZombieDogs or even ZombieChicken :) Would be great but thats up to you :)


Yes, there will be a v0.04 content poll #2 soon to decide on what the 2 sex scenes will be, and who will be in it. So you will get to choose