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Alright everyone. Sorry for the wait! The sneak peek for $10 patrons will be posted right after this. Also, thanks for all your support! $550 in pledges is huge for a game that doesn't have a Patreon locked version out yet. I'm very grateful for the support.

Again, the majority of the time this week went into renders since I need to get things done in time for the release in the next 7 days. I'm done with the Infected Robert scene (though if I had time I'd have liked to render more.) I've got about 12 images left that I want to get rendered between the basement scenes and the new zombie anal scene. It's hard to post direct renders at this point since I don't want to be spoiling all the content of the next version.

Anyway, I did implement some more gameplay this week. You'll now be able to choose whether or not to help Robert, or even to kill him, bypassing the infected Robert boss fight entirely. There will be some different outcomes for the choices made here. If Vanessa is with Tiffany she'll have some dialogue in this scene too.

I didn't want this to be one of those dumb zombie universes where no-bodies ever heard of a zombie before. If you want Tiffany to be the sort of character that shows no mercy to those who are infected, then you'll be able to do so.

Also, I've been working on all the stat tracking to help future-proof the game versions. Plus it's interesting to look at from time to time. I implemented some patron suggestions from stats discussion we had.

Some things to note: A number of the icons are temporary. I plan on replacing a bunch of them in later versions. Instead of tracking abortions, I decided to track the number of successful births instead, then you can figure out abortions by subtracting births from pregnancies. Hunger and Thirst now decrease as Tiffany progresses. It's pretty basic for now, but the food and drink items now have more relevance. I'll be adding debuffs to her combat stats when she hits 0 in either each category. There's also a Progress section which will track the percentage of content you have completed. You'll get a little message now, at the end of the content, letting you know your completion percentage, so you'll know if you missed anything. Right now the game is still linear for day 1, so reaching the Dr. Slater/Sirus cut-scene will always be the 100% mark. This will be more useful in future versions where there may be sidequests that are independent from the main story/path that can be completed.

I've also started implementing the "The Basement" quest scene. Here's the image from yesterday's preview again.

So yes, even though this is being classified as a side-quest. It's mandatory to complete it before you can conclude day 1. It's got a somewhat significant choice, clearly you'll have to choose a side here. As I've said before, they're both specialists who can help Tiffany out during the rest of the game with her fertility related problems. But you'll have to choose which one you want. :)

You may have noticed in that image, that Dr. Milburn is holding a gun. This will be the first encounter in the game where it's possible for Tiffany to escalate the situation into combat where she could be shot an killed. (I will always make these sections give the player the option to save beforehand). Unlike the zombies, the human men actually want to live and won't just stand there stripping the player and tanking shots. If they start getting shot at, they'll shoot back!

Thus, HP finally becomes relevant, and I've added First-Aid kits into the game as items to restore health.

Although it is perfectly possible to resolve the situation without combat or killing Dr. Milburn. So long as your Tiffany is prepared to use "alternative solutions" ;) Keeping Dr. Milburn alive could also lead to a future sidequest where you can help him lure other women into the basement... so choose wisely :)

Alright. So when's v0.02 coming out? I will definitely be releasing v0.02 in some form before the end on the month. My current plan is still to get a v0.02 beta up for $10 Patrons to test (if they want) at the end of the week around the 29th (it will probably be missing a few things). Then on the 30th-31st a bugfixed v0.02 will be released to $5+ Patrons. I assume I'll be able to get everything done on time, but I'll know how well I'm doing as I progress through the week. If I need to release a v0.02a etc to fix things I will. I'll keep you guys posted as the release date approaches.

Also, anyone who doesn't want to be credited in the game's credits let me know so I can omit your name from the in-game list of Patrons

Thanks again, and sorry for the lack of images. I don't want it to seem like I've done nothing. But I also don't want to spoil all the best parts before you get a chance to see them for the first time in-game.

~ Jim



I really like the progression "tracker". I really dont like it when you dont know if you should replay something or not, so this is a great solution! :)


Thx for the update! =D Everything u said in that post sounds great =D Can't wait to get my fingers on it^^ And I know I've said that before but some x-ray with that Hitomi scene could be so damn hot *.* well maybe that's just me^^ And u said there will be chances for the Dr. to have additional sex scenes but the main question is: will there be also more scenes for Hitomi? *.* Maybe some experiments w/ different infected species?^^ Like you could capture some of them and have a sort of 'prison' and a lab where those experiments (extract certain fluids for example) could take place? =D because then the answer as to whose side I would choose would be rather non-existent - at least in the first playthrough :P


Thanks, though it won't be able to tell you about the other paths available. There will still be replay-ability by choosing less slutty options etc. It's not even like there are specific paths anyway. For instance, your Tiffany can be a slut for everything but still beat the game without having sex once. So 100% in this case just means: "did you complete all the quests and events available?" but wont take into account how you completed them. If that makes sense.


It's a bit too late for me to implement X-ray scenes in this update. I'll keep it in mind for future versions and scenes though. It's not that I don't want to do it. Just that I've never really done it before so it probably wouldn't look the greatest. But I'll give it a go soon enough. And yes, that does sound interesting. I had some ideas for Hitomi but that could be better. If enough people want it then I'm sure I can make room for it in future versions. In any case, there will definitely be future content with every character. It's just a matter of when.


That sounds goodd. I didnt mean it as a "tell-all" tracker anyway. Just a little helper to let you know you might wanna check again for a side quest or something similar.

Ari Korpela

Gotta say i really like the idea of "normal men" fighting for their lives instead of being drooling idiots XD Sure sounds like this update is going to be well worth it as i always suspected. Thumbs up for all the effort youve put in this game already!