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Hey everyone. Sorry for the delays over the last few days with very few updates. I do casual shift work during the days, so it's usually very flexible with my art, but some weeks its busy and I end up having to work 6 days of the week in a row etc. Which is great for money, but bad for my spare time...

Anyway, I've had a chance to breath so I'm back at it again. I'll post an extra sneak peak for $10 patrons after this post, just to show off a new render from the Infected Robert scene as a thanks for your patience. I'll try and set up the discord for everyone tomorrow.

Right, so what's this post all about? Well, I can't retroactively track stats from old saves that are added in new versions. This means I need to be tracking everything from the start unless I want save games to be incompatible all the time. In order to reduce the chance of me breaking saves, I need to make sure from v0.02 on-wards I'm tracking all the stats I need from the start so we don't run into too many save game problems down the line.

So, the image above shows all of the stats I'm tracking for Tiffany that are in the game at the moment. It's not there yet, but there will be a separate tab that will be exclusively for the current pregnancy. It will keep track of how many days Tiffany's been pregnant for, who the father is, the baby's health etc. I'll also make another tab (or alter the description) to show what Tiffany is a slut for (or later, addicted to)

So keeping that in mind and looking at the current stats above. What else do you think should be kept track of in the game? These are primarily numbered stats, similar to the ones you've seen above. Like how many time's Tiffany's done a thing, etc.

Also, if I haven't mentioned it before, hunger and thirst will decrease from 99 to 0 throughout the day, and after sleeping. If they reach 0, Tiffany will get some debuffs. Consuming semen will replenish thirst and a tiny bit of hunger, don't worry. ;) Her own milk can also replenish her thirst.

Thanks for the support!

~ Jim




I'll also have a tab that displays Tiffany's relationships with other NPCs

Ari Korpela

Wow JimJim you never cease to amaze me! As for the stat track how bout adding abortion count below the pregnancy one?(Z Abortions etc) You know to show the players the "consequences" of uncaring mindless sex XD Also big thumbs up for you working hard in your job AND with the game too. It musnt be easy :C


Holy.. That´ s pretty well thought-out if you ask me. I think the stats are fine, as they are now. I would not like to see them getting any more complicated in regards to buffs/debuffs etc. Great work!


See, this is why I made this discussion post. I knew I was missing something super obvious like abortions! Thanks for pointing that out. :) Hey, it's not so bad. It's usually flexible enough that it gives me plenty of time to work on my projects etc. Some weeks are just busier than others, but if it allows me the time to work on this then I'm fine with it. It should never get in the way too much.


Well, it's just basic number tracking variables, mostly. Not very complicated at all, just better to set them up now. For example, let's say I wasn't tracking H Pregnancies, then in v0.13 or something, I added a quest that required the player to have been impregnated atleast once. Then since, it wasn't being tracked, that info wouldn't be stored in the save file, and then you'd have to play through the whole game again to have it recognize that your Tiffany had been impregnated. Basically just trying to eliminate that requirement to replay, as much as possible. There will occasionally be times, when starting a fresh save is unavoidable, for certain new features to work. But I will try to future proof things in this early stage. At the very least, it's not too much of a chore to play through right now.


That new sneak peek pic looks amazing and if you're looking for ideas of things to track, how about 'double penetrations', 'Liters of cum drank or Loads swallowed', 'cream pies', 'gang bangs', 'times resisted successfully', You obviously don't have to use all of these but they're just some ideas.


Times resisted is a good one, liters of cum as well. DPs & GBs will add multiple times to their respective holes. And I think pretty much all vaginal sex scenes will feature a cream pie anyway.