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Out of curiosity :)

I know we've only really seen Tiffany in action so far, but I'd still be interested to know people's thoughts.

P.S. I'm currently working on the other new character for v0.02. It's a male doctor. He's going to be more "traditionally handsome" for players who want their Tiffany to be attracted to more normal guys haha.

To be honest, it's mainly so you can create a Tiffany who is attracted to zombies & ugly men, but has no interest in attractive men. :P

Anyway, $10 Patrons will get the first look and can vote on his cock size.



It´ s gotta be Tiffany right now since she´ s the only one who had some dick so far. But I hope Vanessa gets some action soon, as well.


Vanessa will get scenes eventually, how soon will depend on what you guys want to see the most in v0.03. There will be discussions and polls about that later in the month.


Gotta agree with Derperoni, Tiffany is my fav because shes the only one in action, but this poll is hard to answer cause' all the girls you make are amazing.


Well then, it's only going to get harder to answer because more girls are on the way ;) Not all of them are immune like Tiffany and Ali though. So they could end up infected if they can't protect them.