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Firstly, thank you for your patience this month! I kept expecting to "be done in 1 or 2 more days", yet here we are...

From last Progress update:

Once that's done I'll jump straight into getting the "Sim" portion of  the game working, which I hope won't take longer than a day or two,  including testing.

Oh boy, how optimistic I was... at least a lot of work got done!

Adapting the Sim part of the game was tougher than expected! So this build only includes 1 new event to find.

Although I've tested it, it's possibles you may find issues or oversights during gameplay, if you do please send a report via the in-game "Report issue" button or directly via Patreon or Discord.

Warning! On android, switching away from the game freezes the game on my phone. Make sure to save often!


Progress Made

  • Converted the "Sim Mode" scripts to RenPy's language.
  • Created stat screen, to be improved on over time.
  • Created an event replay Gallery.
  • Re-exported all "theater" art to work with RenPy's "Layered Image" system.
  • Finished implementing all 22 past events without major issues. (May tinker as I notice issues.)
  • Multiple UI additions to the Main Menu and in-game UI assets. More to come as time allows (e.g: Settings menu and others).
  • Wrote E23 (Lumina's First Date) and all extra dialogue it needed for Sim Mode.
  • Made some necessary changes to Android version, will probably require some more.
  • Tested both versions to completion multiple times.
    (There should be no issues, but if there are, please let me know and I'll get on it as soon as I'm able.)

— Upcoming work —

- High Priority

  • Write and implement into Sim Mode all 5+ pending events.
  • Put some time aside to prepare a new public version to promote the game.
    The more supporters, the more time I can spend on the game!

- Medium Priority

  • Screen is getting cluttered with options, try out alternative button options (map screen?)
  • Fix the android version freezing when switching to another app.
  • Further improve android experience.
  • Fix any leftover serious presentation issues.

- Low Priority (Good to have, non-essential)

  • Find a way to keep music from restarting over and over when not necessary (got some ideas).
  • Remake character busts for sim-mode. (Especially Molly's).
  • Fix any leftover presentation issues (can work on it over time).
  • Improve UI

Back on track!

Now that the conversion is essentially done, I'll focus on getting all leftover events written. Then I'll hopefully have some time to work some more on the game side of things.

If event's take too long to write, I may have to lower the amount of NSFW illustrations I make per month to 2-4 so I can dedicate some more time to the game. If I do, I'll let you know ahead of time.

Well it's time for me to go back to making some art, see you next progress update!


» Try the public version! «
» Patron Commissions (Neocoill Patreon) «



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