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Thank you all for another month of support!

Clarifying a couple of terms 

To avoid confusion, here are the terms I'll use from now on to refer to the content.

  • Event - An in-game event that the player triggers during gameplay.
    e.g: Lily's beach event.

  • Scene- A SINGLE illustration with or without variations.
    e.g: Lily's beach event includes 6 scenes right now, eventually will be 8.
    e.g: Molly's first event includes 3 scenes. (At door, BJ & Ride)



Progress Made

  • Added 4 new scenes to game:
    2 are additions to an old event
    2 are for new stand alone events.
  • Added an in-game hint system and wrote ~23 hints.
    Ask Lumina about it. ;)
  • Fixed a couple of reported bugs (thank you for your reports!)
    Fixed Lydia's Stumble event not unlocking in gallery
    Fixed being able to finish game before finding Naia's 1st event.
  • Replaced Renpy's Icon with my own (how professional!)
  • Prepared and tested a new public version.

— Next month's development focus —

  • Add from the backlog of scenes (at least 4 more scenes, I hope.)

Slowing down with NSFW art to catch up with writing and game development

Implementing the ~4 illustrations/scenes this month took ALL the time I could afford to CoillCity!

At the current pace of making 4 illustrations per month I'll never have any time to catch up or spend time on the rest of the game (inc. other SFW art assets).

Therefore and for the time being, I have to reduce the estimated amount of NSFW Illustrations per month to ~2.
Of course this is only while patronage is low! If the game pops off, I'll  be able to do much more per month! (imagine having 1000+ patrons like em big VN devs!)

I've changed the wording for the $10 & $20 tiers to state this change in estimate.

If you're a $10 or $20 tier patron, please consider switching tiers if that works better for you at this time.

Well that's about it for now, see you guys next progress update!


» Try the public version! «
» Patron Commissions (Neocoill Patreon) «