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So, in the process of qorking on this Lia picture, I've kind of realized a few things.

I don't actually know what about it, but I greatly dislike something in my process. I still love sketching, I've done a TON of it this year so far.. even inking, while it isn't my favourite, hasn't been too taxing on my art drive. Even flatting, same thing.

But I think as soon as I get back to the 'high rendering' phase, I suddenly drop, and I think it's because I've been mentally preparing for the comic, in which I know won't be inked or high rendered. I'm not sure. I wish i could paint like some artists, and maybe I could, but i feel it'd take me so long to learn that I could get numerous other ideas down in sketch/flat form.

In my head i try to tick too many boxes in too short of a time span. Maybe the voting is doing more harm than good, or maybe I worry about trying to make sexy work in the same piece as the clean stuff and it's suffering. Not sure.

Anyway, not really complaining, just thinking out loud to you all, since you support me. it's important to be clear where my head is given that it affect direction and content. Hearing back from you all is usually a great help as to where to direct my energies and where it might be struggling from a different POV.

Sketch of artist Silvixen's OC, Skye from Paw Patrol, and a  WIP of the Lia work.




It's probably just that you were in comic-mode for so long that doing fully rendered pics feels weird. It certainly isn't a quality issue, because your fully rendered pinups are some of the best art I've ever seen! My only disappointment while following you over the years is that you do them much less now than you used to, but I understand it was a necessary sacrifice to make time for other stuff. All in all, try not to stress too much :)

Lord Ysengrin

I don't really know what to say to help, but I Hope you'll find the answers you seek! As for the art, qui love it all!


This could definitely be a factor! Getting used to one thing and then having to do something else


Lia looks so good without the lip ring!


Do you think it may be the "high rendering" process coupled with self-imposed deadlines that may be making it a bit of a drag? Trying to do time-intensive work while worrying about getting said work done in a rigid timeframe can make the work seem even more burdensome. Especially if sketching and/or flatting doesn't take as much time and you enjoy doing that without similar loss of drive. It may be worth giving yourself a 2 or 3 month window to do complex works, instead of trying to push it into a single month. That would also let you break it up a bit and work on your comic and other stuff in between without having to focus JUST on completing the complex art by month's end. Just a few of my thoughts; I'm curious to see what other folks say.


Just because I noticed it... "qorking" XD


Lia is not allowed to be that cute!!!


Ever thought about just doing sketches and simple colors? I honestly think you could totally skip inking^^


I feel the same way completely when I am working on my art as well, my drive falls off when ink/rendering and clothed variants just feel like my art suffers for it