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Whew. Some of you were probably wondering where I was. Sorry to delay-- a lot of time was spent getting down the 'look' of Nytro, as well as the 'look' of these sheets. Thankfully, following characters sheets won't take quite as long now that the basework is done.

Nytro has a bit of a refresh! From some minor alterations in fur patterning, to a bit of a haircut and name change, I've included as much relevant information that I think will be needed... but if there's something I've missed or messed up on, let me know now, lol.

I'm quite pleased with this so far--for the upcoming story it won't be so detailed, and outfit will have 'simplified' versions, but I think this is pretty close to the look I'd like to go for. Not sure yet if the end result will be b/w, flat, or shaded, but it definitely shouldn't take as long as Predators 2 pages, that will have to be for sure.

One more thing, a few character design pieces, like his scar/eye, will happen in the story, so I like the idea of modifying the refs as the story goes on and those changes are reflected.

Enjoy! A lot more coming, but this is the first real, sure-fire peek into this world story.




Oh man it's weird to see him without his scars and both blue eyes. Design is great and the green on the clothes works perfect with the rest of the colors.


He looks very nice! I can’t wait to see where you take the sci-fi comic!


I can't believe i'm saying this, but i never knew that Nytro's real name was Ark and that he's 27 years old. His old design and ref sheet made me think he was somewhere in his early 30s


he looks so cute


nytro :'3 my boy <3<3<3<3<3<3 you'll always be the perfect man <3


Love him, this is helping me brew up an idea I’ve had for a little while of a fan character for this setting. Maybe I should draw it up, now that there’s some updated designs here.

Justice Taylor

I wander if Nytro will get some kind of chart or extra details describing his sensuality. Jay Naylor had such charts that rate a character’s preference between different kinds of sex. My favorite of his reactions is still getting embarrassed over innocent Ara seeing his erect “organ” as she put it.