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Nytro has been one of my most changed characters, as well as one of the oldest. Its been 10 years since my OCs original ref sheets, and, like Vikna's, some stuff changes while trying to keep the feel the same.

Part of a streamlined effort to tie in certain aesthetics, i redesigned his uniform, and weapon/tool (which i will go more on later) to match the scifi feel from the setting. In addition, i gave him a little haircut. I like the feel it gives, exposes more face while feeling a touch more cyberpunk, and less generic anime protagonist.

Sonic Adventure is probably to blame for my want of complex footwear, and only recently embracing it. Nytro's occupation meshes well, and it's sort of similar to Lia's from her recent pinup.

Slow month start, but will pick up! Concept writing also working behind scenes.




Needs an up to date nude ref too. ;)

Nytro's Simp

RIP hoodie-trenchcoat thing, you will be missed. Great re-design overall, I especially like the idea of giving him a haircut, fits a bit better both in the cyberpunk aesthetic and the more militaristic side of him (not to mention he now has practically the same haircut as me).


Nytro has and always will be one of my favorite male furry OC’s!!! So glad to see him getting a refresh while still holding on to that iconic look

Kira Kathell

nice new look still like both maybe get art with both of em x3


Im liking it! definitely looking more like a unified style when compared to the other more recent outfits you've drawn for the others. Speaking of looking forward to seeing how the others turn out!


Yeeeahh i liked denali for sure but this sci fi stuff has me STOKED!


SpaceCop's come a long way from Sonic-OC looking designs. Good shit my man.


The cute boy is back on stage *-*