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Hey all! So first off-there's been a load of declines due to one of P's processors. Double-check if your pledge is affected.

Secondly, I've been on and off from a bunch of different WIPs, so I thought I'd share them all at once--it's been a week since I've posted anything and I don't like going that long. So have a peek, comment, etc. on some of the stuff!

I'll need just one month to wrap up Predators 2 stuff like cover, extras, page fixes, etc. so you will see that trickle in this month instead of a big project vote thing. I kind of miss doing misc. spur-of-the-moment sketches, so perhaps more of this in streams, too.




Always love the return of robodoggo. That unit is a good boi. ❤️


Is that the Radio Demon as a furry?


New ayn art!? 👀


Viper, oh yes, yes please

Nytro's Simp

That last sketch in particular is amazing, all of them are great but that last one is really noteworthy.


Woe I really love that two BJ sketch you did, looks pretty sexy!


Master Viper is a surprise, but she looks so cute in your style <3

Daki Suggester

I never thought about using a snake that way... it's a toob


#3 is gorgeous!