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Hey folks, it's July! But first I feel like I have to apologize -- the amount of content is just severely lacking as of late...it's something that's really been eating at me and especially June was disappointing, I thought I would have more done before Anthrocon, but -grossly- underestimated how much time prepping for cons is, doubled with having to mail/luggage ALL of the booths' setups, even last year we had some stuff already over there so it wasn't this bad. Tripled with newborn at 4 months and it's been exhausting. I just feel bad, simply put, that I didn't get much other than comic page done, couldn't even touch the ARA animation or get to the extras I meant to.

However, my life stuff shouldn't be an excuse for the pledge-to-reward on your end, and for that i just needed to acknowledge and apologize for the drop in content. The best I can do is just...more going forward I suppose, somehow find ways to catch up on time, and know that I'll have more time for art as baby gets out of early-phase, and AC is over with, since it's really the only con of the year, AFAIK.

What I -can- say is up ahead will be a lot more of the sci-fi world, worldbuilding, background and concept ahead of starting, as Predators 2 wraps up soon, albeit with some extras and bonus stuff, it will kind of be a shift of time and scheduling throughout the month since I won't have that kind of comic work around starting in August--instead it'll be the lead-up to the scifi work and me trying to think of what style and find a good grove for it (because the style used for Pred2 is way, way too slow for a long-form comic). 

Edit: just what i need on top of everything else going wrong, the links seem to be weird or different. I'm trying to fix them. Let me know if these new ones work!


If you're new to this, first: Thank you! Second, you can request previous months' content by sending me a PM, where I'll hand out 1 previous month for each 1 month you remain pledged(starting right away), or visiting my E-Junkie store (link on my front page). You can also scroll back through the feed manually, or click the "reward" tag.

Sometimes old links break. Send me a PM here if the link is inactive and I'll update you.


Mitchell Sealy

It says I need to create a dropbox account to download it. Is that a change on Dropbox's end or is that a setting you usually do different?


It looks like it's working now, Fluff! Thank you!