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Preview of the inks and flats I'm working on for her pinup. I liked that a lot of you enjoyed all of the sketches I shared! I think this one was the strongest, but I definitely want to clean up, fix and colour a few of the others at some point too, I won't forget about em.

I also had been tweaking some of her colours like mouth and fleshy bits; as you can see I ended up settling on yellow, for a few reasons. In some previous pictures I had them black, or tongue white, but in my opinion that felt a little dull. Too much white on the face/mouth, and plenty of black already all over her. Plus how often do you get to give a character uniquely-coloured parts and get away with it? I'll have an outfit version, maybe some floating hands and stuff.. tentacles maybe? I'll see what I can do, I'm starting to really miss the two extra days February is lacking.




IMO, Tentacles before floating hands. But that's just my opinion, lol.