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Some pinup ideas, some just for fun. More sketch practice with her and unique body figure. Attached files.




Warning. Crew member should be advised: you have a very tasty Interaction Plug

Mr Ru

Sketch #1's position makes me want a version with somebody's hand spreading her 'pleasure port' open with their thumb.


Omg, she is so cute! I specially like the bj one. I also agree with mr ru about the first sketch :)


imo Sketch #1 with the suggestion of Mr Ru.


I love the lil peets in the bottom-left one


She's such a cutie. Love the floating one!


They're all so adorable:3, I personally prefer the second and third one, but they're all amazing!


In terms of files, I meant the warningSketches3 and the warningSketches 4.


Even the gravity is against her x3


Gotta be top right, the first and third pose do look good aswell. The fourth one feels a bit off.


Top right is super cute and bottom left is dem hips. I love both for the booty. Though my ass man senses say bottom left is the best, I will admit top right has more in-character potential, especially for whatever background. I wouldn't mind seeing bottom left cleaned up as the "warm up" you sometimes do, although the Ask you just posted of her might have already filled that role. So overall I would say my favorite is top right.


Loving the 4th one too lol

Sonny Starbrite

Sketch4 gets my vote. Sketch1 & Sketch3 looks nice too. Sketch2, meh, it's not a full-body view of Warning.


How about something with her outfit on? BTW why all droid name shorts are before translation for english ( i.x. SRK for Translation Alert Unit) and ARA's is not? We need some good explanation in the "story"...


I really hope you intend to finish like...ALL of these X3!


ARA's is, actually, it's just the same by chance. She mentions it in an ask ARA post, in her language it's Aparat Revliky Akazheniy, which just also abbreviates to ARA. and yeah she'll have her outfit on regardless of which pose. it's why i do the multiple version things!


I love the top ones, especially top left! She's just so cute


I think the BJ one is my favourite, just because of the adorable sound she's making. If not, then the artificial gravity one, then the first one. I'm sure I'd love whichever you decide to finish, if you don't want to do more than one.


The oral exercize .is a winner!