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So! Some of you may have noticed the first week of each month is a lot of the time when I try to get some personal work done, be it world-building, character sketches or gifts, etc. Been working on this image overview of my galaxy the past two days.

The Rishan Galaxy is the home to almost all of my non-Predators OCs, like ARA, Nytro, and such. Right now all I have defined is the visuals: I did the galactic image in the background in Photoshop, and the sectors. 

The sectors are defined mostly by the arms of the galaxy. Rishan is an SAc spiral galaxy with four primary arms: The Sword, Pillar, Tower, and Gate. The Cross doesn't physically reach the core, but its boundaries shaped over time make it appear that way. The Eye and the Wall are loose clumps and strips of stars making their own sectors, and The Core is, of course, the galactic center.

I'll expand on more information like key systems, and which of my characters are from what stars(all over the place). But for now, enjoy some fancy space?

Note: There's also restricted space, home to the Vandalai Empire. You must never go there, Simba.




Worldbuilding is the best thing ever Fluff, always happy to see some of the thought behind the story!

Heretic Morgan

I saw "Arms" in the title, and wasn't expecting the arms of the galaxy.


This is great Fluff! Excellent work :D


Cool stuff Fluff! Never tell a Kid not to go somewhere if you don't want them to go there. Also, Chekov's gun.


This is great, very in depth stuff fluff. I should start thinking about this sort of stuff myself, although my oc's world is an alternate version of titanfall's (im addicted to it)


That's so beautiful and looks so real. Outstanding work Fluff. Any plans for drawing individual maps of key systems? ^^


Hm, is there any information about the Vandalai Empire that can be discussed in say, an Ask ARA post, or are they "classified" for the time being?


It would be more accurate for her to say "No information available" than "classified". There's really very little, or next to no, information on the Empire other than some really basic fundamentals.


Yeah a few! There's some key systems worth elaborating on, otherwise most of the locations are based on just one point of interest within a system


Don't put a loaded gun on the table if you don't expect to use it! The Vandalai Empire is really not a 'major' element to my story, but it is to the world. Some more background info and data will be on the more 'complete' map as I develop it.


*immediately goes there* :P


It looks amazing! Space has always interested me since I was young, and you made it look so real! Thank you!


Reminds me of Stellaris. Hm...Now I'm curious about the Vandalai Empire.