Request Stream images - Web (Patreon)
2017-01-28 09:37:40
Good stream! Thank you guys for coming and supporting, the requests this time were BloodAngelsCaptain: Ahri spread, Vertikon: a Vikna butt shot, Kara: Stacey+Tracey skunk twin sisters from Eric Schwartz, and Iselwyr: Six Shooter, from Sixes Wild (book). and thank you Baaldrek for the coffee!
I'm pretty happy with all these, despite still taking me a bit longer than I wanted on most... I remember the days when I could do 5 or 6, not sure why my middle finger and knuckles sometimes bother me now shortly into 4. Maybe focusing too hard on quality still? I have noticed them being a bit cleaner and more worked, but I also don't like having people wait super long for their name to get drawn, only doing 8 a month. Ah well, I do really hope ya'll enjoy the work!