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A calm in-between from act 2 to act 3, so to speak... I know the comic subject matter is different than my usual, apologies if it isn't your cup of tea, but it's nearly over and I just had to switch things up a bit after 10+ years of mostly straight/female only stuff. Stuff after this will be back to my usual content.

Twix gets to breathe for a minute, and Lia gets to relax..only barely. He wants to know if she's got another one in her. She's unsure, but he offers her to at least give it a try! and so try they will. Happily ever after. Will finish this up before the month's end, but also need to make time foooor:

Request streams will both be this weekend: Friday, and Sunday! Both will try to be about 5pm EST.




that ass~


Something tells me I'll be sold on a physical version of this comic after the next page X3


Oh lawd jesus that ass, gonna give me a heart attack.


Femboy booty best booty!

August kowalski

Ohhh... Now thats a view... <3

August kowalski

Now... maybe im crazy buuuut... Heh that upper left one.. could it be that twix likes to swallow? x3


Well, it was a hot and fun ride. Best of luck with the rest of the comic.

Kraton Haddock

it's exactly what it looks like. now I bet ya can hardly wait to see the finished page. :P

Kraton Haddock

I do so love seeing these progress sketches from you, Fluff. While some may prefer the finished page, there's something about these sketches that actually says a little bit more about what's going on than a page with text. It's kind of like it's showing all of your ideas, whereas the page with text shows just the final product, sans any ideas that were dropped before the final product.


Great work on those expressions, she looks happy... and satisfied x3


looks great :P


Aw, well glad you liked a good part of it at least! It's almost over anyhow, and next comic is good ol' straight goodness.


I'll be so sad when this ends, I've really enjoyed watching this comic unfold, and i love the characters , they're second only to Nytro :D