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You already know ARA and SRK, now meet ZTA! I've said before, Kaltag has 5 models of anthroid that are mass-produced for use on large ships and stations where such posts are needed, and usually filled, by anthroids. ARA is the Relay Admin, SRK/'Warning' is the Translator/Alert Unit, and ZTA, aptly abbreviated 'Zeta', she, is the Systems and Communication Admin. 

While ARA and Warning are cat-anthroids, Zeta is a kleyka-anthroid. And I know, "WTF is a kleyka?" It's just an original species of mine. My only, at the moment. Same species as that of Radoslav. Angular, large ears, high middle toes and 'circuit-like' markings that fade in and out, thick tails with tufts at the end and along the top/backs, and very long tongues. Males have horns. They play a sizeable role in my story, and I do have more characters of the species.

Effectively, Zeta IS the ship or station, in some sense. Her job is holding everything together, doing the most interaction with organics, doing all of the FTL communications, comms within her own ships, and manages cohesion of the other AI as well. If they were Power Rangers, she's the Red Ranger.

Zeta is not the 'captain' of any ship/station, organics always hold that position, but she would be considered the first mate or bosun in most situations.

Also she's not naked by default. She'll have an outfit like the others, I just haven't gotten to it yet. Her design isn't 100% final-and-done, either, this is just the first major iteration I've gotten to that I've liked. Enjoy, I hope!
