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So I took a day to break and relax while thinking about what to do with Aisha this month. Unlike some of the other pinups I've done in the past, this was a character from a show I LOVE (Outlaw Star), and watched years ago, so I had a grip on her personality and such already. I knew I wanted some snarky, bratty attitude to her pose, akin to what I did when I drew the request stream image of her exactly one year ago.

Then I realized that would make a really good pinup, so I included that up there, along with two new fresh ideas I worked on today and yesterday. I don't get the chance to much human faces and feet, so kind of like the Mink pinup, I found poses that include the feet but don't push any sort of fetish about them. I like feet/paws a lot, but wouldn't say it's one of my kinks or anything.

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