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Cum! I love drawing orgasm pages. I try to focus on what specifics draw me to the act occuring, might be a certain area, detail, or even just the pose and angle. For this whole orals scene it's been a lot about gripping/contact on the cock, and how the surface skin of it shifts alongside. and just the overal mouth-enveloping experience. I hope you'll all enjoy this one!



Heretic Morgan

Oh, I can't wait for the full comic to be done. It's gonna be awesome.


I've been eagerly awaiting this page. Mmmf! Looks great, so far. :D


Why is this page available to your $1 subs, whereas other pages aren't? (Not that I'm complaining, lol)


So far, the comic looks amazing! Can't wait for it to be finished!


Zoqui in the Meantime: "what is taking Twix so long? i bet they are having Sex..." but seriously love this Comic so far ^^


I debated about that myself, typically comics have always been a 5$+ item, but the more I thought about it, I didn't think 1$ patrons got to see all that much, other than just sketches to works I'd finish pretty soon, and these are technically still sketches. Every Patron matters to me, even the 1$, so I decided it's probably not doing any "harm" so to speak, by sharing the sketches of the comic pages to them, and if they like what they're seeing in the comic, it may just motivate them to up their pledge by one tier to see them with dialogue and colour. Who knows! The reason I hadn't until now, was I thought it might seem unfair to 1$ to share just the sketches, and then having to wait a long time to see the finished pages, whereas other images like pinups, streams and the like, they see them just as early as the other Patrons, which is still earlier than the public. Hope that makes sense and seems logical!


i like the direction this comic takes, looking good.