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Just a heads up: It's a wordy post. There is no TL;DR, just some things I'd like to say. You don't have to read it, obviously, but I'd be appreciative if you can!

In the last twelve months I've done a great deal of work. This page has grown with all of your help and hopefully keep it pushing, at least for as long as I can still make good art, and earn your support for it. It doesn't get any easier. The more you draw, the better your skills are refreshed, but if you don't experiment, play, and push, all you will likely get is greater quantity, and the same ol' quality...not that that's a bad thing, mind you.


This Patreon is a challenge; on one hand I have HQ pinup work, and on the other, 'cheaper' art, in terms of time and effort, with streams, comics, blogs. I've seen a lot of other furry artist's Patreons, and none of them do this. I constantly find myself at odds with how to grow and maintain the balance between standalone and serial artwork, without sacrificing either, and especially without sacrificing the work I can give you.

If you were to ask me why I think you all are here, supporting me, I don't really know...it's still enourmously flattering and bewildering to me. I don't own a mega-popular webcomic, I don't have incredibly artistic paintings or even good anatomy, perspective, or such strengths. I've become somewhat of a dealer of all trades, master of none, and I wonder what it is I do that 'works' enough to earn your hard-earned currency, but whatever it is...I'm ever-grateful. You've all pushed me into a realm of confidence I really wasn't expecting, and helped enable me to help others.


2016 was a very experimental year for me here; the pinups and comics varied a lot in style and subject. I'm still searching for a signature style of my own that will stand out both as enjoyable to see and read, but also not take me a disproportionate amount of time...as I've mentioned many times, I'm not a very fast artist...sketching is about the quickest I get, and I don't think I would have had the chance to experiment and practice about with methods and styles if I didn't have your support. I really don't ever want it to seem like it's taken for granted. I'm grateful for every comment, like, follow, and share my work gets.

Back to the future:

I'm not sure what the ultimate goal is for my work...I just want to inspire and entertain. I know I'm not going to change the world or win awards with my content, and I don't expect to. I'm happy enough knowing whatever I can do just helps make life a touch more fun or distracting from all the work and negatives lingering around these days. That being said...

Things I will definitely do in 2017(that I can think of right now) :

Milestones Vol. 2

Predators Vol. 2(at least start it!)

ARA and Nytro dakimakuras

Expand my roster of characters and worldbuilding info

Things I will most likely do in 2017 (but just don't have the plans in place yet) :

Animations, both 3d/2d

Commission streams for Patrons

I'll add more if I can recall anything else, but thank you for reading, and for supporting me. I really  mean it! I hope you guys have a great year, and hope you'll be with me along the way.



Seems like 2017 will be a very fun, and amazing, year!!


However you decide to tackle 2017, just know you've got loyal followers, FK.


Looking forward to another excellent year fluff, it's good to be a part of this, and your work is easily some of the best, no doubt! 🙋


2017 looks promising, you don't have to be fastest and that's why your art is so detailed "quality over quantity"... happy new year Fluff :)


It sounds like yet another year to look forward to, and I can only echo the statement that it's a pleasure to be part of this. Your work is indeed inspiring and a (sometimes much needed) respite from the day to day. Wish you a happy new year!


happy new year folks^-^

Kaytea Kat

I'm glad to support you just to see what you come up with. I'm really excited to hear about possible experiments you might try out next year and that's why I'll keep coming back.


I'm here because you have great characters and a really indepth/well thought out world that I find quite interesting and fun to learn about. You may not think your art is anything "special", but I, personally, consider it to be among the higher tiers of quality I have seen from artists within this fandom, over the past decade. As for what you draw, you make it sexy, funny, and classy. You might not think you have a style, but make no mistake, you have one already. I can pick your art and content out of a line-up without problem. A glance and I know "FluffKevlar did that". That being said, one should never let their own success go to their head, lest they become content and placid; and that leads to hubris and arrogance, which eventually leads to a decline in quality. This is another thing that I believe makes you so good. You have retained a modest and humble attitude, and still seek to improve your skills and are grateful for each and every one of your supporters. And that is reflected in your art. That is why I am here. :)

Michael Marcoccio

Personally I like your art because you have a unique style that's both realistic and unafraid to try something new. I enjoy your standalone art and your comics. I wish I could afford to commission you to do the cover art for the book I want to publish.


Hey! Hey you birb! I don't care what you do. You have been proud of your work. Confident in your abilities. Grateful for having people like us supporting you. You are ALWAYS learning, ALWAYS getting better. So chin up! (If you have a chin xD beak?) You keep making what makes you happy, whether it be standard and hd res or trying new things! Goooo!


I support you cuz youre such a gosh darned nice and hard workin guy, Fluff. ;) Every one of your fun, sexy works reflect your lovely, warm and attractive personality. I often imagine each of your characters are at their core a facet of their creator. Someone else used the word "classy" about you. Id say youre easily one of the classiest dudes in the fandom. Who wouldnt want to hang with a guy like that? Anyways, enough praise. Id better get to work this year, too... Im a toddler artist myself, and im hoping i can learn a thing or two from you! Cheers, Fluffy! -SpecialSpoon


Happy New Year!!!! Thanks for your work!!! You are the best!!)) <3


Happy new year, Fluff :)