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December's poll image! Vikna-Xmas-NSFW

Vikna gets herself a bit of an early-morning holiday surprise from Nytro, staying the night for the holiday. Whether it's ARA and Zofie still asleep in the next room, or just not wanting his scruffy ass to see her pleasure, she's trying her best to regain composure while being mounted.

I did like doing this quite a bit! I'm pleased with the turnout, and I'm happy to get it done well before the 25th. Nytro and Vikna have an interesting dynamic, so hopefully I portray it well enough so that most folks 'get' it despite no comic...yet. It's coming!




been too long since i've seen nytro, joined your patreon in hope to see him again, and I did :'3 missed this perfect man <3 <3 <3 <3


Nytros half taken off underwear is such a good touch, really makes it feel raw and needy. Amazing work!!


Gorgeous! Ah I love this piece so much! Their dynamic is so fun and exciting! Also, the lighting in this is so good!


Nytro is just so hot. Loving the tail biting!


I imagine one day, they'll be sharing a particularly soothing afterglow, and Vikna will look at Nytro and say "Screw it, let's just get married" and he'll say "Yeah, okay"


I love the way he’s biting her tail, like he couldn’t reach her scruff so he’s grabbing the next best thing ❤️


Heck yeah! This is lovely! I guess Nytro got what he wanted for Christmas and maybe Vikna too :D