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Second of the few pinup ideas I have for Vikna. This is already inked actually cause It was from last year that I never finished. 

I plan for the pieces to be all separate, these are just some examples of what each version might look like. I'm shooting for a sexy but calm, mildly playful pinup for these, all of which she might do in the intimate privacy, not a face she shows publicly often.
So, feel free to lend me your thoughts on each!




I like this one out of all three I feel it has a playfulness to that the other two lack. Three does have some but not as much. I think the setting is going to be the biggest factor in the pin-up. What objects are used will make it great Mistoe for one I think would be awesome.


I like this one the most. I think it looks sexy and playful and does a great job of showing off her figure.


This one stands up quite well for the pinup imo, the sexiness is really expressed in this version.


Love it but more partial to 3. Her expression is really great.


I really like this one, especially the eyes. But as I said on #1, I could go for any of them.


I really like this one, maybe put a bow on the back, maybe a tag saying from fluff to patrons?


Of the series of sketches for this pinup you've posted, this one is my personal favorite by far, but you've done awesome work on all of these man!

Mora Fermi

This one is really lovely!

Captain Lackwit

This is my favorite entirely for those gorgeous eyes.