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Hey folks! It's last month of the year--I'm trying really hard to finish Ayn's daki so I can add the art files for November's ZIP, but in the meantime, image poll up!  

While I'll still be working on the comic and some other pieces, I usually shoot for a holiday/wintry picture with Vikna in December, and this time I thought it'd be fun to have her featured on a poll for how I'll do it! "NSFW" means, a hardcore adult-type image, likely few/no alts, "Pinup" meaning how I usually do her Xmas pictures, a clothed/nude as a showoff/tease, or "Rework" which involves either years-old Vikna art that could be redone, or finish one that left off as only a sketch, like the Ayn beach rework from the last 'rework' win.  

Votes up for a few days while I keep drawin'!



Split between Nsfw amd pinup


I really loved that Vikna x Nytro piece! Can't help but choose NSFW. Although all options are great ones for our fellow blue cat. Love the tradition of her being the holiday piece.

Ladies Man 7777

Vikna dreamin of a white Xmas 💦 🎄


That Vikna/Nytro piece is one of my favorite artworks that you've done! I think I gotta go NSFW then :)

Nytro's Simp

I'm just happy for anything Vikna related being drawn, firmly my favorite female character of yours


Vikna and Tala are probably my favorites of your girls


Gah is it bad I'd want to see all 3 xD But Vikna for Christmas is always a win!

Battle Cupcake

You rigged this by posting your killer Nyt x Vikna piece, just saying


I very much want to see a knotty Nytro getting 'stuck' in deep~~. I know you don't normally draw him with one but it's also an either/or thing and...yeeah that would be super hot


Oh is there a chance for a short story if it does win out of curiosity?


Been a while since we've seen Vikna get any anal action, so maybe that would be a fun focus this time!


Blue Cat Best Cat


Symat/Nytro would be cool just saying >.>;;


Any Vikna is a win!

Nuwa Nightstone

I love Vikna she's my second favorite <3


Maybe Vikna gets frosted this year?

Kira Kathell

maybe she gfets a D and pins down nytro? :p


Horny levels critical, the people demand lewd kitty XD