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Whew, long weekend. Sorry about the lull in posts; I don't really keep a 'secret backlog' of posts like some artists do in case of absence, I generally post everything I do as I do it. Going to try and hit the ground running though, with something I'd been thinking about for a while.

I want to get feedback on the idea of Commission streams. A lot of people still want to commission me and I just am not that fast, or at least, consistent, in speed to fit it in with everything else. So how would people feel about me changing one of the request streams each month to a commission one? 

They would work in a different way. Since it's just giving a slot away, the work would still be paid for, and so there's no "it's a raffle" worries as nothing is being given away other than a selection(EDIT: I'm going to email Patreon and ask about  this specifically just to be sure), but here's what I had in mind: I would pick one from the 25$ tier first, then 25+10, then 25+10+5 tiers, and then anyone, similar to how I originally did the request streams. Winners would get to commission me for a coloured sketch like how I do at the moment, except allowing OCs and all that stuff. Pricing discussed later, but the winning tier would get a tier-specific discount, like if a 25$ patron won, they'd get 25$ off the price, 10$ gets 10 off, etc. Winners would also go on a different kind of cooldown, perhaps something like "if 4 people want one, but 3 have already won, then i'd pick the one that hadn't." and keep drawing from the pool of non-winners til all interested parties in a tier have been drawn, then reset that tier.

Anyway, these are all ideas on how it'd work at the moment, let me know what you think.



I'm all for it, fair to the fans and doesn't put to much pressure on you as well 👍

Cylianthe (Falkiveurr)

It sounds good to me, but I still like the Request Stream. Would you be adding or replacing?


i can never make it to your streams so i guess i'm asked out.


Winners would also go on a different kind of cooldown, perhaps something like "if 4 people want one, but 3 have already won, then i'd pick the one that hadn't. I like this idea by far the most, lets everyone have a chance at least once to get a commission slot instead of one or two people lucking out several times. oh and do you need to be in the stream to be picked or would it be like the requests where we submit a commission request and you pick from the requests regardless of if the person is there (them being there would let them make comments as you draw but if they arent able to make it I think it would be a bit unfair to them to exclude them)


While I've wanted to commission you again for a while, I greatly prefer having a second request stream over the possibility of getting a colored sketch. If I'm going to commission you, I want it to be full quality. I also don't want to see a decrease in the variety of characters the request streams have given us, free from any real sense of loss over not getting your personal character picked.


Personally, I quite like the way you currently do request streams. While exchanging one of them for a commission stream would allow people to get commissions from you on a regular basis it would also (as Volpethrope mentioned) decrease the variety of characters being requested, almost certainly limiting it to commissioner OCs. The way things are now, it’s a blast for one’s request to get chosen, and it’s a blast to watch the characters coming to life. With more OCs in the mix, while more people will be able to fist-pump and show off their FK artwork (nothing wrong with that), there is also an increased risk of people feeling left out (the original reason for not including OC in the raffle, I think?). I might just be a bit of a curmudgeon going “change, humbug!” though. So do whatever works best for you. There’s no denying that replacing a request stream with a commission stream would result in more income for you, which in turn would probably let you lower your shoulders a bit. Though, if I may ask a bit of a stupid question, would the commissions be available to everyone, patreon or not? I know that the way you propose doing it would give patreons a discount based on their tier, but if people who aren’t patreons have no way of commissioning you there might be some dissatisfaction. Anyway, just my two cents on the matter.


I haven't been able to watch request streams because they start to late ( just in my region) so I don't have a problem with a commission stream but It would be great to see a price structure so people can make a more educated opinion. I don't know how many people could afford commissions so you may end up with only a small number of patrons who could pay.


I have no objection to this idea. However, I hope that regular commissions would still be available. I have a long list of things I hope to someday commission you for, and I'd very much prefer them to be of a higher quality than simple sketch. I honestly don't mind waiting for a month or four, if that is needed. I understand you have a lot of other things to do and fully believe your work is worth the wait.


I guess this is kinda neat, but do as you feel is best good sir! I'll need to save a bit just in case though.


I like the idea! But I second the notion that a price structure being available would help inform opinions. Plenty of folks prefer the request streams though - maybe commission streams would be an every other month thing or based on demand?


Well, i am kind of torn on the subject. On the one hand i like the request streams and the fandom figures that you draw, on the other hand i like the idea of commission streams because it would give everyone a shot at getting a picture much faster and i like the idea of commissioning you. Looking at the comments i see that there is a high demand not only for colored sketches but finished pictures as well and i am curious whether or not you wish to open to this kind of commissions (I'd be game), guess it's a question if you have time. So overall i like the idea of the commission stream and i support at least giving it a try.


Well, the purpose of it being a commission stream for colored sketches is that I can do colored sketches much more quickly in a stream. If I opened for higher-quality images, then I might be only getting one done per stream, in which case I might just simply post for high res openings here in patreon instead of picking them live.


From another reply: Well, the purpose of it being a commission stream for colored sketches is that I can do colored sketches much more quickly in a stream. If I opened for higher-quality images, then I might be only getting one done per stream, in which case I might just simply post for high res openings here in patreon instead of picking them live.


Not a bad idea


hmm yes its a awsome Idea tbh but only if you do it on a Time when everybody from everywhere has Time. because atm for Example i can never attend your Rquest Streams because of the Time Difference, when you start its already 10pm here in Germany so nearly impossible for me to watch since i need to work on monday again. if you do them like your Rquest streams only people with your Timezone can come and people from Europe only have a very small Chance to watch you OnO


Personally I love the idea of having one request stream and one colored sketch commission stream every month ^^ I just hope that I'll be able to attend your streams more often! hehe

Mira Inhara

I know it's a bit late, but I love this idea. Makes things a little more fun and with a little more variety. Plus it'd kinda balance out the way the $25 tier mentions commission discounts in its reward sections, without having to change how busy your schedule is.