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The festival started today in Munich and across the world, even here in Hawai'i there are some Wiesn (much to my surprise), so this naturally, gives me more opportunity to draw Zofie, and I had that 'lingerie' doodle of her from last year. 

I opened it up and didn't really like it as much as I wanted to. I think in the few pics I did of her after it, the old version didn't feel as 'on-model' for Zofie as say, the "morning stretch" picture I did recently. So I went to editing her shapes and lines and such, and then carrying on with it, as for a while I've been wanting to do a 'skirt lift peek' type picture, and she's a great shy/flirt combination for it. So likely as a cute smug tease, opposed to say, Ayn who'd just start fucking on the table. 

Hopefully can toss some colour on before the fest is over, but wanted to share the sketch now.



The Friendly Deathclaw

Zofie is way too adorable here! Skirt lifts are always fun.


She looks lovely and cute as always.


Dawwwwq, she's so cuuuuuteee!


Zofie is just the best so thank you for gracing us with more of her as your previous puppers.

Jake Black

literally just got back from my local event 3.5 liters deep, Prosit!


You know with a festival known for drinking beer I wonder how come we haven't seen any of your OCs being drunk at a festival. :P


Zofie you are the most adorable puppy ever


YEEEEES! Another cute pic for my favorite pupper. If I could I'd nominate October as a International Zofie month :D


"Not the kind of fuzzy navel I ordered, but I'll take it."

Sakura Wulf

The Dainty Pupper hips are gone but it still works. This look brings more attention to her face.